You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
3059 lines
160 KiB
3059 lines
160 KiB
<?php return array (
'alert_restaurant_out_from_campaign' => 'You want your restaurant out from this campaign?',
'alert_restaurant_join_campaign' => 'You want join this campaign?',
'about_us' => 'About us',
'about_us_image' => 'About Us Image',
'about_us_updated' => 'About us updated!',
'about_the_campaign' => 'About the campaign...',
'account_transaction' => 'Account transaction',
'account_transaction_removed' => 'Account transaction removed!',
'access_denied' => 'Access Denied !',
'access_token' => 'Access Token',
'add' => 'Add',
'add_new_food' => 'Add new food',
'add_delivery_man' => 'Add Delivery Man',
'add_customer' => 'Register new customer',
'update_discount' => 'Update discount',
'update_tax' => 'Update tax',
'addon' => 'Addon',
'add_to_cart' => 'Add To Cart',
'admin' => 'Admin',
'admin_or_employee_signin' => 'Admin or Employee Sign in',
'admin_updated_successfully' => 'Admin updated successfully!',
'admin_password_updated_successfully' => 'Admin password updated successfully!',
'all' => 'All',
'all_restaurants' => 'All Restaurants',
'all_categories' => 'All Categories',
'android' => 'Android',
'application_placed_successfully' => 'Application placed successfully',
'application_status_updated_successfully' => 'Application status updted successfully',
'approved' => 'approved',
'approve' => 'approve',
'app_minimum_version' => 'Minimum version for force update',
'app_url' => 'App url',
'app_settings' => 'App Settings',
'app_settings_updated' => 'App Settings Updated',
'app_store' => 'App Store',
'as' => 'as',
'at' => 'at',
'attribute' => 'Attribute',
'attribute_choice_option_value_can_not_be_null' => 'Attribute choice option values can not be null!',
'attributes' => 'Attributes',
'active_status_updated' => 'Active status updated successfully',
'minimum_delivery_time' => 'Minimum delivery time (Minutes)',
'maximum_delivery_time' => 'Maximum delivery time (Minutes)',
'availability' => 'availability',
'banner' => 'Banner',
'banner_status_updated' => 'Banner status updated',
'banner_updated_successfully' => 'Banner updated successfully',
'banner_deleted_successfully' => 'Banner deleted successfully',
'banners' => 'Banners',
'balance' => 'Balance',
'balance_before_transaction' => 'Balance before transaction',
'bank' => 'bank',
'bank_info_updated_successfully' => 'Bank Info updated',
'basic' => 'Basic',
'basic_campaign' => 'Basic Campaign',
'basic_information' => 'Basic Information',
'between' => 'Between',
'branches' => 'branches',
'branch' => 'Branch',
'business' => 'Business',
'bulk_import' => 'bulk import',
'bulk_export' => 'bulk export',
'button_links' => 'Button & Links',
'by_admin' => 'by admin',
'can_not_accept' => 'Can not accept!',
'cancel' => 'Cancel',
'canceled' => 'Canceled',
'cash' => 'cash',
'cash_in_hand' => 'Cash in hand',
'earning_balance' => 'Earning balance',
'card' => 'Card',
'card_holder_name' => 'Card holder name',
'card_holder_email' => 'Card holder E-mail',
'card_number' => 'Card number',
'card_expire_month' => 'Card expire month',
'card_expire_year' => 'Card expire year',
'cart_empty_warning' => 'Your cart is empty',
'category' => 'Category',
'categories' => 'Categories',
'category_required' => 'Category is required!',
'category_status_updated' => 'Category status updated!',
'category_updated_successfully' => 'Category updated successfully!',
'category_priority_updated successfully' => 'Category priority updated successfully!',
'category_imported_successfully' => ':count - Categories imported successfully!',
'choice_title' => 'Choice Title',
'change_your_password' => 'Change your password',
'click_on_the_map_select_your_defaul_location' => 'Click on the map select your default location',
'click_to_edit_this_item' => 'Click to edit this item',
'collected_cash' => 'Collected cash',
'collect' => 'Collect',
'collected_cash_by_restaurant' => 'Collected cash by restaurant',
'collect_cash_from_restaurant' => 'Collect cash from restaurant',
'coordinates_out_of_zone' => 'Coordinates out of zone!',
'country' => 'country',
'country_code_is_must' => 'Country code is must',
'like_for_BD_880' => 'like for BD 880',
'count' => 'count',
'config' => 'Config',
'config_data_updated' => 'Config data updated!',
'config_your_account' => 'Config your :method account',
'configuration_updated_successfully' => 'Configuration updated successfully!',
'confirmed' => 'Confirmed',
'confirm_password' => 'Confirm Password',
'confirm_this_order' => 'Confirm this Order',
'cancel_this_order' => 'Cancel this Order',
'coupon' => 'Coupon',
'coupons' => 'Coupons',
'coupon_added_successfully' => 'Coupon added successfully!',
'coupon_updated_successfully' => 'Coupon updated successfully!',
'coupon_deleted_successfully' => 'Coupon deleted successfully!',
'coupon_status_updated' => 'Coupon status updated',
'coupon_usage_limit_over' => 'Coupon usage limit is over for you!',
'coupon_expire' => 'coupon expire',
'cover' => 'cover',
'currency_symbol_positon' => 'Currency symbol position',
'currency_added_successfully' => 'Currency added successfully!',
'currency_updated_successfully' => 'Currency updated successfully!',
'currency_deleted_successfully' => 'Currency deleted successfully!',
'current' => 'Current',
'customer_not_found' => 'Customer not found!',
'dashboard' => 'Dashboard',
'day_wise_report' => 'Day Wise Report',
'food_wise_report' => 'Food Wise Report',
'deleted' => 'deleted',
'delivered' => 'Delivered',
'deliverymen_earning_provide' => 'Distribute DM Earning',
'deliveryman_preview' => 'Delivery Man Preview',
'delivery_zone' => 'Delivery Zone',
'delivery_charge' => 'Delivery Fee',
'delivery_address_updated' => 'Delivery address updated!',
'deliveryman_earning_type' => 'Delivery man earning type',
'deny' => 'Deny',
'designation' => 'Designation',
'dm_maximum_order' => 'Maximum assigned orders for delivery man',
'dm_maximum_order_hint' => 'Number of maximum orders a delivery man can serve at a time',
'dm_maximum_order_exceed_warning' => 'Delivery man maximum serving orders exceed!',
'dispatchManagement' => 'Dispatch Management',
'duration' => 'Duration',
'duplicate_data_on_column' => 'Duplicate data on :field column',
'dues' => 'Dues',
'earned' => 'earned',
'email' => 'Email',
'email_is_ready_to_register' => 'Email is ready to register',
'employees' => 'Employees',
'employee' => 'Employee',
'employee_added_successfully' => 'Employee added successfully',
'employee_deleted_successfully' => 'Employee deleted successfully',
'employee_updated_successfully' => 'Employee updated successfully',
'end' => 'End',
'enter_if_you_want_to_change' => 'enter if you want to change',
'enter_new_email_address' => 'Enter new email address',
'enter_new_password' => 'Enter new password',
'enter_choice_values' => 'Enter choice values',
'confirm_new_password' => 'Confirm your new password',
'edit_restaurant' => 'Edit restaurant',
'edited' => 'edited',
'extra_discount' => 'Extra Discount',
'failed' => 'Failed',
'faield_to_create_order_transaction' => 'Failed to create order transaction!',
'failed_to_import_data' => 'Filed to import data!',
'failed_to_place_order' => 'Failed to place order! Please try again.',
'faield_to_send_sms' => 'Failed to send SMS',
'filter' => 'filter',
'first_name' => 'First name',
'first_order' => 'First order',
'flutterwave' => 'Flutterwave',
'food_list' => 'Food List',
'full_name' => 'Full Name',
'product_already_added_in_cart' => 'Item already added in cart',
'product_has_been_added_in_cart' => 'Item has been added in your cart!',
'product_has_been_updated_in_cart' => 'Cart item has been updated!',
'product_imported_successfully' => ':count - Foods imported successfully!',
'free_delivery' => 'Free delivery',
'free_delivery_over' => 'Free delivery over',
'freelancer' => 'Freelancer',
'from' => 'From',
'form' => 'form',
'goto' => 'Go to ',
'handover' => 'handover',
'hash' => 'Hash',
'high' => 'High',
'item_wise' => 'Food wise',
'restaurant_wise' => 'Restaurant wise',
'information' => 'Information',
'insufficient_balance' => 'Insufficient balance!',
'installments' => 'Installments',
'item_has_been_removed_from_cart' => 'Item has been removed from cart',
'item_type' => 'Item Type',
'is' => 'is',
'ios' => 'IOS',
'join_us' => 'Join Us',
'last_name' => 'Last name',
'landing_page' => 'Landing Page',
'landing_page_settings' => 'Landing Page Settings',
'landing_page_image_settings' => 'Landing Page Image Settings',
'landing_page_image_updated' => 'Landing Page Image Updated',
'landing_page_text_updated' => 'Landing Page Text Updated Successfully',
'landing_page_links_updated' => 'Landing Page Links & Buttons Updated Successfully',
'landing_page_speciality_updated' => 'Landing Page Speciality Updated Successfully',
'landing_page_testimonial_updated' => 'Landing Page Testimonials Updated Successfully',
'left' => 'Left',
'list' => 'List',
'location' => 'Location',
'login' => 'login',
'restaurant_application' => 'Restaurant Application',
'restaurant_required_warning' => 'Make sure you have selected a restaurant first!',
'restaurant_temporarily_closed' => 'Restaurant temporarily closed sucessfully',
'restaurant_temporarily_closed_title' => 'Restaurant temporarily closed',
'restaurant_opened' => 'Restaurant opened successfully',
'restaurant_settings_updated' => 'Restaurant settings updated!',
'restaurant_registration' => 'Restaurant Registration',
'deliveryman_registration' => 'Deliveryman Registration',
'deliveryman_application' => 'Deliveryman Application',
'category_required_warning' => 'Make sure you have selected a category first!',
'select_zone_for_map' => ' Select a zone based on your restaurant location. After selecting the zone you can see the zone on the map',
'show_hide_food_menu' => 'By disable it, restaurant will not be able to manage (edit, update, delete or change status) any food but can view all foods.',
'show_hide_reviews_menu' => 'Show or hide reviews menu from restaurant panel.',
'show_locations_on_map' => 'Show locations on map',
'system' => 'System',
'restaurant_lat_lng_warning' => 'Select your restaurant’s exact location from the map (Just click on the map for pick location). The location must be inside the selected zone.',
'draw_your_zone_on_the_map' => '(draw your zone area on the map)',
'customer_varification_toggle' => 'If this field is active, customer have to verify their phone number througn an OTP',
'order_varification_toggle' => 'If this field is active then customer have to provide a OTP code to delivery man for delivered a order successfully',
'order_confirmation_model' => 'Order confirmation model',
'order_confirmation_model_hint' => 'Selected model will show the pending orders first and can confirm them',
'restaurant_data_updated' => 'Restaurant data updated successfully!',
'restaurant_not_found' => 'Restaurant not found!',
'interest_updated_successfully' => 'Interest successfully updated!',
'mail' => 'Mail',
'maek_ready_for_delivery' => 'Make Ready for Delivery',
'make_ready_for_handover' => 'Make Ready for Handover',
'maek_delivered' => 'Make Delivered',
'map_api_key' => 'Map api key',
'map_api_hint' => 'NB: Client key should have enable map javascript api and you can restrict it with http refere. Server key should have enable place api key and you can restrict it with ip.',
'map_api_hint_2' => ' You can use same api for both field without any restrictions.',
'marketing' => 'Marketing',
'maintenance_mode' => 'maintenance mode',
'mercadopago' => 'MercadoPago',
'me' => 'me',
'merchant' => 'Merchant',
'messages' => 'Messages',
'minimum' => 'Minimum',
'medium' => 'Medium',
'minimum_shipping_charge' => 'Minimum delivery charge',
'misconfiguration_or_data_missing' => 'Misconfiguration or data is missing!',
'my' => 'My',
'my_bank_info' => 'my bank info',
'my_shop' => 'my restaurant',
'new' => 'New',
'new_password' => 'New Password',
'new_order' => 'New order!',
'new_order_push_description' => 'New order placed',
'normal' => 'Normal',
'optional' => 'Optional',
'ongoingOrders' => 'Ongoing Orders',
'on_going' => 'Ongoing',
'online' => 'online',
'offline' => 'offline',
'weekly_off_day' => 'Weekly Offday',
'owner' => 'Owner',
'order' => 'Order',
'order_details' => 'Order details',
'order_already_assign_to_this_deliveryman' => 'Already assign to this delivery man',
'order_push_title' => 'Order',
'order_ammount_with_delivery_charge' => 'order amount with delivery charge',
'out_for_delivery' => 'Out for delivery',
'out_of_coverage' => 'Out of coverage!',
'pages' => 'Pages',
'password' => 'Password',
'password_length_warning' => 'Password length must be :length characters.',
'password_length_placeholder' => ':length characters required',
'password_not_matched' => 'Password Not Matched',
'paystack' => 'Paystack',
'paystack_callback_warning' => 'NB: Don`t forget to copy and past the callback url on your paystack dashboard',
'per_km_shipping_charge' => 'Delivery charge per KM',
'permission_denied' => 'Permission denied! please contact to admin',
'pending' => 'Pending',
'pending_take_away' => 'pending (take away)',
'play_store' => 'Play Store',
'please_select_restaurant' => 'Please select a restaurant!',
'read_more' => 'Read More',
'select_category' => 'Select Category',
'select_date' => 'select date!',
'select_restaurant' => 'Select Restaurant',
'select_zone' => 'Select Zone',
'select_food' => 'Select food',
'select_off_day' => 'Select off day',
'please_choose_all_options' => 'Please choose all the options',
'please_fill_all_required_fields' => 'Please fill all the required fields',
'processing' => 'Processing',
'Proceed_for_cooking' => 'Proceed for Cooking',
'privacy_policy' => 'Privacy policy',
'privacy_policy_updated' => 'Privacy policy updated!',
'priority' => 'Priority',
'product' => 'Product',
'product_name_required' => 'Food name is required!',
'product_added_successfully' => 'Food added successfully',
'product_updated_successfully' => 'Food updated successfully',
'product_deleted_successfully' => 'Food deleted successfully',
'product_status_updated' => 'Food status updated',
'discount_can_not_be_more_than_or_equal' => 'Discount can not be more or equal to the price!',
'provide' => 'provide',
'provided_dm_earnings_removed' => 'Provide deliveryman earnings removed!',
'publicKey' => 'Public Key',
'push' => 'Push',
'received_from' => 'Received from',
'received_at' => 'Received at',
'received_by' => 'Received by',
'remember' => 'Remember',
'remove_sub_categories_first' => 'Remove subcategories first!',
'request' => 'Request',
'request_time' => 'Request Time',
'required' => 'required',
'restaurant' => 'Restaurant',
'restaurant_commission' => 'Restaurant commission',
'restaurant_view' => 'Restaurant view',
'restaurant_is_closed_at_order_time' => 'Restaurant is closed at orderd time',
'restaurant_owner_login_form' => 'Restaurant Owner Login Form',
'returned' => 'Returned',
'reviews' => 'Reviews',
'review_visibility_updated' => 'Review visibility updated!',
'right' => 'Right',
'role_added_successfully' => 'Role added successfully!',
'role_deleted' => 'Role deleted',
'scheduled_at' => 'Scheduled at',
'scheduled' => 'Scheduled',
'schedule_order_not_available' => 'Schedule order not available',
'scheduled_date_is_restaurant_offday' => 'Sorry! Order scheduled date is restaurant offday. Please chose another date',
'secret' => 'secret',
'security_code' => 'Security code',
'section' => 'Section',
'search_addons' => 'Search addons',
'search_categories' => 'Search categories',
'search_sub_categories' => 'Search sub categories',
'search_here' => 'Search here',
'searchingDM' => 'Searching Delivery Man',
'searching_for_deliverymen' => 'Searching For Delivery Man',
'search_your_location_here' => 'Search your location here',
'signin' => 'Signin',
'sign_in_as_employee' => 'Sign in as Restaurant Employee',
'sign_in_as_owner' => 'Sign in as Restaurant Owner',
'speciality' => 'Speciality',
'speciality_title' => 'Speciality Title',
'speciality_img' => 'Speciality Image',
'social_login' => 'Social Login',
'unsuspend_this_delivery_man' => 'Unsuspend This Delivery Man',
'suspend_this_delivery_man' => 'Suspend This Delivery Man',
'suspended' => 'Suspended',
'testimonial' => 'Testimonial',
'testimonial_title' => 'Testimonial Title',
'feature_section_title' => 'Feature Section Title',
'feature_section_image' => 'Feature Section Image',
'paymob_supports_EGP_currency' => 'Paymob supports EGP currency',
'country_permission_denied_or_misconfiguration' => 'Country permission denyed or misconfigured',
'paymob_accept' => 'Paymob accept',
'callback' => 'Callback',
'transactions' => 'Transactions',
'accepted' => 'Accepted',
'acceptedbyDM' => 'Accepted By Delivery Man',
'preparingInRestaurants' => 'Food Preparing in Restaurants',
'foodOnTheWay' => 'Food on the Way',
'refundRequest' => 'Refund Request',
'refunded' => 'Refunded',
'refund_this_order' => 'Refund this order',
'senang' => 'Senang',
'pay' => 'Pay',
'send' => 'Send',
'settings' => 'Settings',
'setup' => 'Setup',
'sl#' => 'SL',
'sign_in' => 'Sign in',
'size' => 'size',
'sub_category' => 'Sub Category',
'table' => 'Table',
'to' => 'to',
'total_earning' => 'Total earning',
'transaction' => 'Transaction',
'transaction_saved' => 'Transaction saved successfully!',
'transaction_updated' => 'Transaction updated successfully!',
'summary' => 'Summary',
'url' => 'url',
'upload' => 'Upload',
'upload_zip_file' => 'upload zip file',
'verification' => 'Verification',
'vendors' => 'restaurants',
'veg' => 'Veg',
'non_veg' => 'Non Veg',
'walk_in_customer' => 'Walk-in Customer',
'wallet' => 'wallet',
'want' => 'Want',
'wise' => 'Wise',
'withdraw' => 'Withdraw',
'withdraw_able_balance' => 'Withdrawable balance',
'withdraws' => 'Withdraws',
'withdraw_request_placed_successfully' => 'Withdraw request has been placed successfully!',
'with' => 'with',
'your' => 'your',
'your_currency_is_not_supported' => 'Your currency is not supported by :method.',
'order_can_not_cancle_after_confirm' => 'You can not cancle a order after confirmed!',
'warning_add_bank_info' => 'Please add your Bank info first!',
'warning_missing_bank_info' => 'Bank info missing!',
'tergat' => 'Target',
'not_found' => 'Not found!',
'created_at' => 'Created at',
'role_form' => 'Role Form',
'role_name' => 'Role Name',
'module_permission' => 'Module Permission',
'roles_table' => 'Role Table',
'modules' => 'Modules',
'employee_form' => 'Employee Form',
'employee_image' => 'Employee Image',
'Role' => 'Role',
'employee_management' => 'Employee Management',
'Employee' => 'Employee',
'role_management' => 'Role Management',
'custom_role' => 'Custom Role',
'employee_handle' => 'Employee Handler',
'notification' => 'Notification',
'notification_status_updated' => 'Notification status updated!',
'notification_deleted_successfully' => 'Notification deleted successfully!',
'payment' => 'Payment',
'payment_failed' => 'Payment failed',
'payment_settings_updated' => 'Payment settings updated',
'payment_reference_code_is_added' => 'Payment reference code is added!',
'methods' => 'Methods',
'terms_and_condition' => 'Terms & Conditions',
'terms_and_condition_updated' => 'Terms & Conditions updated!',
'register' => 'Register',
'customer' => 'Customer',
'customer_loyalty_point' => 'Customer loyalty point',
'report_and_analytics' => 'Report & Analytics',
'deliveryman' => 'Delivery Man',
'deliverymen' => 'Delivery Men',
'deliveryman_type_updated' => 'Delivery-man type updated!',
'deliveryman_status_updated' => 'Delivery-man status updated!',
'deliveryman_added_successfully' => 'Delivery-man added successfully!',
'deliveryman_updated_successfully' => 'Delivery-man updated successfully!',
'deliveryman_deleted_successfully' => 'Delivery-man deleted successfully!',
'earning' => 'Earning',
'report' => 'Report',
'reports' => 'Reports',
'web_and_app' => 'Web & App',
'web_app_url' => 'Web app url (Front-end)',
'welcome' => 'Welcome',
'welcome_message' => 'Hello, here you can manage your orders by zone.',
'employee_welcome_message' => 'Hello, here you can manage your restaurants.',
'we_are_temporarily_unavailable_in_this_area' => 'We are temporarily unavailable in this area.',
'none_of_your_sms_gateway_is_active_or_configured!' => 'None of your SMS gateway is active or configured!',
'failed_to_send_sms' => 'Failed to send sms! Please contact to our customer care.',
'otp_sent_successfull' => 'OTP sent successfully!',
'products' => 'Products',
'total' => 'Total',
'orders' => 'Orders',
'monthly' => 'Monthly',
'overview' => 'Overview',
'in' => 'in',
'items' => 'items',
'people' => 'People',
'like' => 'Like',
'top' => 'Top',
'here' => 'Here',
'sign_out' => 'Sign Out',
'profile' => 'Profile',
'profile_settings' => 'Profile Settings',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'Profile updated successfully!',
'select' => 'Select',
'export' => 'Export',
'copy' => 'Copy',
'copy_callback' => 'Copy callback url',
'print' => 'Print',
'excel' => 'Excel',
'csv' => 'Csv',
'pdf' => 'Pdf',
'columns' => 'Columns',
'date' => 'Date',
'daily' => 'daily',
'status' => 'Status',
'#' => '#',
'action' => 'Action',
'actions' => 'Actions',
'download' => 'Download',
'document_type' => 'Document type',
'document_number' => 'Document number',
'option' => 'Option',
'options' => 'Options',
'view' => 'View',
'invoice' => 'Invoice',
'issuing_bank' => 'Issuing bank',
'details' => 'Details',
'paid' => 'Paid',
'unpaid' => 'Unpaid',
'note' => 'Note',
'method' => 'Method',
'reference' => 'Reference',
'code' => 'Code',
'type' => 'Type',
'contact' => 'Contact',
'info' => 'Information',
'variation' => 'Variation',
'addons' => 'Addons',
'addon_added_successfully' => 'Addon added successfully!',
'addon_updated_successfully' => 'Addon updated successfully!',
'addon_deleted_successfully' => 'Addon deleted successfully!',
'addon_status_updated' => 'Addon status updated!',
'addon_imported_successfully' => ':count - Addons imported successfully!',
'attribute_added_successfully' => 'Attribute added successfully!',
'attribute_updated_successfully' => 'Attribute updated successfully!',
'attribute_deleted_successfully' => 'Attribute deleted successfully!',
'attribute_status_updated' => 'Attribute status updated!',
'attribute_imported_successfully' => ':count - attributes imported successfully!',
'price' => 'Price',
'vat' => 'VAT',
'tax' => 'TAX',
'vat/tax' => 'VAT/TAX',
'vat/tax (%)' => 'VAT/TAX (%)',
'cost' => 'Cost',
'subtotal' => 'Subtotal',
'discount' => 'Discount',
'delivery' => 'Delivery',
'fee' => 'Fee',
'title' => 'Title',
'item' => 'Food',
'image' => 'Image',
'image_uploaded_successfully' => 'Images uploaded successfully',
'image_deleted_successfully' => 'Images deleted successfully',
'choose' => 'Choose',
'file' => 'File',
'file_manager' => 'file manager',
'submit' => 'Submit',
'close' => 'Close',
'latitude' => 'Latitude',
'longitude' => 'Longitude',
'address' => 'Address',
'invalid' => 'Invalid',
'invalid_otp' => 'Invalid OTP!',
'data' => 'Data',
'edit' => 'Edit',
'name' => 'Name',
'save' => 'Save',
'salary_based' => 'Salary based',
'changes' => 'Changes',
'change' => 'Change',
'ratio' => 'Ratio',
'any' => 'Any',
'active' => 'Active',
'disabled' => 'Disabled',
'delete' => 'Delete',
'update' => 'Update',
'update_option_is_disable_for_demo' => 'Update option is disabled for demo!',
'main' => 'Main',
'sub' => 'Sub',
'main_category' => 'Main Category',
'percent' => 'Percent',
'amount' => 'Amount',
'amount_to_be_paid' => 'Amount to be paid',
'set_menu' => 'Set Menu',
'available' => 'Available',
'time' => 'time',
'starts' => 'starts',
'ends' => 'ends',
'short' => 'Short',
'description' => 'Description',
'back' => 'Back',
'of' => 'of',
'variations' => 'Variations',
'reviewer' => 'Reviewer',
'review' => 'Review',
'review_submited_successfully' => 'Review submited successfully!',
'coverage' => 'Coverage',
'km' => 'KM',
'conversation' => 'Conversation',
'customers' => 'Customers',
'reply' => 'Reply',
'rating' => 'Rating',
'id' => 'ID',
'joined_at' => 'Joined at',
'addresses' => 'Addresses',
'limit' => 'Limit',
'for' => 'for',
'same' => 'same',
'user' => 'user',
'default' => 'Default',
'first' => 'First',
'start' => 'Start',
'expire' => 'Expire',
'min' => 'Min',
'max' => 'Max',
'purchase' => 'Purchase',
'search' => 'Search',
'opening' => 'Opening',
'closing' => 'Closing',
'currency' => 'Currency',
'on' => 'on',
'off' => 'off',
'order_canceled_successfully' => 'Order canceled successfully!',
'order_placed_successfully' => 'Order placed successfully!',
'order_updated_successfully' => 'Order updated successfully',
'order_varification_code_not_matched' => 'Order varification code not matched',
'order_varification_code_is_required' => 'Order varification code is required',
'order_data_not_found' => 'Order data not found',
'phone' => 'Phone',
'phone_number_is_already_varified' => 'Phone number is already verified',
'phone_number_varified_successfully' => 'Phone number is successfully verified!',
'phone_number_and_otp_not_matched' => 'Phone number and otp not matched!',
'photo' => 'photo',
'value' => 'Value',
'footer' => 'Footer',
'text' => 'Text',
'text_copied' => 'Text copied',
'logo' => 'Logo',
'smtp' => 'SMTP',
'mailer' => 'Mailer',
'host' => 'Host',
'port' => 'Port',
'pos' => 'POS',
'pos_system' => 'Pos System',
'progress' => 'progress',
'driver' => 'Driver',
'username' => 'Username',
'encryption' => 'Encryption',
'gateway' => 'Gateway',
'gallery' => 'gallery',
'gst' => 'GST',
'gst_can_not_be_empty' => 'GST can not be empty!',
'gst_status_warning' => 'If GST is enable, GST number will be shown in invoice',
'cash_on_delivery' => 'Cash on delivery',
'digital' => 'digital',
'inactive' => 'Inactive',
'inactive_vendor_warning' => 'Inactive vendor! Please contact to admin.',
'configure' => 'Configure',
'sslcommerz' => 'SSLCOMMERZ',
'razorpay' => 'Razor pay',
'store' => 'Store',
'razorkey' => 'Razor key',
'razorsecret' => 'Razor secret',
'paypal' => 'Paypal',
'stripe' => 'Stripe',
'client' => 'Client',
'published' => 'Published',
'key' => 'Key',
'paypalsecret' => 'Paypal secret',
'api' => 'API',
'firebase' => 'Firebase',
'server' => 'Server',
'service_not_available_in_this_area' => 'Service not available in this area',
'confirmation' => 'Confirmation',
'message' => 'Message',
'messaging_service_id' => 'Messaging Service Sid',
'message_updated' => 'Push notification settings updated!',
'assign' => 'Assign',
'last' => 'Last',
'identity' => 'Identity',
'identification_number' => 'Identification number',
'issuer' => 'Issuer',
'number' => 'Number',
'passport' => 'Passport',
'driving' => 'Driving',
'license' => 'License',
'nid' => 'NID',
'images' => 'Images',
'attachment' => 'Attachment',
'show' => 'Show',
'range' => 'Range',
'sold' => 'Sold',
'software_version' => 'Software Version',
'default_tax' => 'Default tax',
'default_admin_commission' => 'Default admin commission',
'this' => 'This',
'third_party_apis' => 'Third Party APIs',
'week' => 'Week',
'weekly' => 'Weekly',
'column' => 'Column',
'vendor' => 'Restaurants',
'zone' => 'Zone',
'zone_added_successfully' => 'Zone added successfully!',
'zone_status_updated' => 'Zone status updated!',
'zone_updated_successfully' => 'Zone updated successfully!',
'zone_deleted_successfully' => 'Zone deleted successfully!',
'zone_id_required' => 'Zone id is required!',
'zone_wise' => 'Zone wise',
'credentials' => 'Credentials',
'food' => 'Food',
'foods' => 'Foods',
'food_item' => 'Food item',
'item_name_required' => 'Food name is required!',
'item_type_is_required' => 'Item type is required',
'food_section' => 'Food Section',
'food_status_updated' => 'Food status updated!',
'food_not_found' => 'Food not found',
'charge' => 'Charge',
'campaign' => 'Campaign',
'campaigns' => 'Campaigns',
'campaign_order' => 'Campaign Order',
'campaign_status_updated' => 'Campaign status updated!',
'campaign_deleted_successfully' => 'Campaign deleted successfully!',
'capmaign_participation_updated' => 'Campaign participation updated!',
'restaurants' => 'Restaurants',
'restaurant_added_to_campaign' => 'Restaurant added to Campaign!',
'restaurant_imported_successfully' => ':count - Restaurants imported successfully!',
'restaurant_remove_from_campaign' => 'Restaurant removed from Campaign!',
'vendor_view' => 'Restaurant View',
'bank_info' => 'Bank Info',
'bank_name' => 'Bank Name',
'holder_name' => 'Holder Name',
'account_no' => 'Account No',
'withdrawn' => 'Withdrawn',
'comission' => 'Comission',
'disable' => 'Disable',
'enable' => 'Enable',
'enable_earning' => 'Enable earning',
'disable_earning' => 'Disable earning',
'panel' => 'Panel',
'no' => 'No',
'uncategorize' => 'uncategorize',
'unknown_tab' => 'Unknown Tab!',
'removed' => 'removed',
'replace' => 'Replace',
'role_updated_successfully' => 'Role updated successfully!',
'role_deleted_successfully' => 'Role deleted successfully!',
'sine_in' => 'Sign In',
'take_away' => 'take away',
'added_successfully' => ' Added successfully!',
'updated_successfully' => ' updated successfully!',
'successfully_removed' => 'Successfully removed!',
'successfully_added' => 'Successfully added!',
'successfully_updated' => 'Successfully updated!',
'successfully_updated_to_changes_restart_user_app' => 'Successfully updated. To see the changes in user app restart the app.',
'status_updated' => ' status updated!',
'settings_updated' => ' settings updated!',
'discount_cleared' => ' discount cleared!',
'seller_payment_approved' => 'Seller Payment has been approved successfully',
'seller_payment_denied' => 'Seller Payment request has been denied successfully',
'self_delivery_system' => 'Self delivery system',
'not_fund' => 'Not found!',
'no_more_orders' => 'No more orders!',
'please_assign_deliveryman_first' => 'Please assign delivery man first!',
'add_your_paymen_ref_first' => 'Add your payment reference code first!',
'push_notification_faild' => 'Push notification failed!',
'you_can_not_cancel_a_completed_order' => 'You can not cancel a completed order',
'you_can_not_cancel_a_order' => 'You can not cancel a order',
'you_can_not_cancel_after_confirm' => 'You can not cancle after confirmed!',
'you_can_not_delivered_delivery_order' => 'You can not delivered a order!',
'you_can_not_edit_this_zone_please_add_a_new_zone_to_edit' => 'Sorry!You can not edit this zone. Please add a new zone to edit',
'you_can_not_edit_this_restaurant_please_add_a_new_restaurant_to_edit' => 'Sorry!You can not edit this restaurant. Please add a new restaurant to edit',
'you_can_not_delete_this_restaurant_please_add_a_new_restaurant_to_delete' => 'Sorry!You can not delete this restaurant. Please add a new restaurant to delete',
'you_can_not_delete_this_zone_please_add_a_new_zone_to_delete' => 'Sorry!You can not delete this zone. Please add a new zone to delete',
'veg_non_veg_disable_warning' => 'You can not disable both veg and non-veg',
'you_are_successfully_joined_to_the_campaign' => 'You are successfully joined to the campaign',
'you_are_successfully_removed_from_the_campaign' => 'You are successfully removed form the campaign',
'you_have_uploaded_a_wrong_format_file' => 'You have uploaded a wrong format file, please upload the right file.',
'you_want_to_refund_this_order' => 'Refundable amount - :amount. This amount will be added to customer`s wallet if customer wallet is enable otherwise please manage the amount transfer manually.',
'you_want_to_temporarily_close_this_restaurant' => 'You want to temporarily close this restaurant?',
'you_want_to_open_this_restaurant' => 'You want to change the active status to open for this restaurant?',
'you_want_to_update_this_order_item' => 'You want to update this order item?',
'you_want_to_remove_this_order_item' => 'You want to remove this order item?',
'you_want_to_edit_this_order' => 'You want to edit this order?',
'you_want_to_cancel_editing' => 'You want to cancel editing this order?',
'you_want_to_submit_all_changes_for_this_order' => 'You want to submit all changes for this order?',
'you_want_to_suspend_this_deliveryman' => 'Want to suspend this deliveryman ?',
'you_want_to_unsuspend_this_deliveryman' => 'Want to unsuspend this deliveryman ?',
'you_want_to_approve_this_application' => 'You want to approve this application?',
'you_want_to_deny_this_application' => 'You want to deny this application?',
'are_you_sure_want_to_refund' => 'Are you sure want to refund?',
'are_you_sure' => 'Are you sure?',
'you_can_not_refund_a_cod_order' => 'Sorry cash on delivery or unpaid order can not be refunded!',
'already_confirmed' => 'This order is already confirmed!',
'already_submitted' => 'Already submitted!',
'cannot_change_status_after_delivered' => 'Sorry! You can not change the status after delivered a order.',
'assign_delivery_mam_manually' => 'Assign delivery man munally',
'total_served_order' => 'Total served orders',
'orders_served' => 'orders served',
'orders_delivered' => 'orders delivered',
'order_confirmation_warning' => 'You are not allowed to confirm this order',
'top_selling_foods' => 'Top selling foods',
'top_content_image' => 'Top Content Image',
'popular_restaurants' => 'Popular restaurants',
'most_reviewed_foods' => 'Most Reviewed Foods',
'new_business' => 'New Business',
'new_campaign' => 'New Campaign',
'new_category' => 'New Category',
'new_coupon' => 'New coupon',
'new_food' => 'New food',
'new_restaurants' => 'New restaurants',
'new_delivery_man' => 'New delivery-man',
'new_addon' => 'New addon',
'new_banner' => 'New banner',
'new_attribute' => 'New attribute',
'new_notification' => 'New notification',
'new_zone' => 'New Zone',
'popular_foods' => 'Popular foods',
'total_sell' => 'Total Sell',
'total_order_amount' => 'Total order amount',
'total_uses' => 'Uses Count',
'top_rated_foods' => 'Most rated foods',
'top_deliveryman' => 'Top delivery man by order count',
'top_customers' => 'Top customers',
'top_restaurants' => 'Top restaurants by order delivered',
'commission_earned' => 'Commission Earned',
'admin_commission' => 'Admin commission',
'refund_requested' => 'Refund Requested',
'can_not_add_both_food_and_restaurant_at_same_time' => 'Can not add both food and restaurant at same time!',
'already_in_wishlist' => 'Already in your wishlist!',
'can_not_disable_both_take_away_and_delivery' => 'You can not disable both take away and delivery!',
'if_sales_commission_disabled_system_default_will_be_applicable' => 'If sales commission is disabled here, the system default commission will be applied.',
'if_sales_tax_disabled_system_default_will_be_applicable' => 'If sales tax is disabled here, the system default tax will be applied.',
'dashboard_order_statistics' => 'Dashboard order statistics',
'cooking' => 'Cooking',
'ready_for_delivery' => 'Ready for delivery',
'food_on_the_way' => 'Food on the way',
'yearly_statistics' => 'Yearly Statistics',
'commission_given' => 'Commission Given',
'followup' => 'Followup your restaurant\'s activities',
'Want_to_delete_this_role' => 'Want to delete this role ?',
'Want_to_delete_this_item' => 'Want to delete this item ?',
'you_are_unassigned_from_a_order' => 'You are unassigned from a order',
'you_are_assigned_to_a_order' => 'You are assigned to a order',
'you_can_not_schedule_a_order_in_past' => 'You can not schedule a order in past time',
'you_can_schedule_a_order_only_in_future_time' => 'You can schedule a order only in future time',
'You_can_not_change_status_after_picked_up_by_delivery_man' => 'You can not change status after picked up by delivery man!',
'you_can_not_deliver_a_delivery_order' => 'You can not deliver a order which is not self pick up!',
'you_need_to_order_at_least' => 'You need to order at least :amount.',
'you_want_to_change_this_restaurant_status' => 'You want to change status for this restaurant status?',
'you_want_to_block_this_customer' => 'You want to block this customer ?',
'you_want_to_unblock_this_customer' => 'You want to unblock this customer ?',
'you_want_to_hide_this_review_for_customer' => 'You want to hide this review to customers?',
'you_want_to_show_this_review_for_customer' => 'You want to visible this review to customers?',
'your_account_is_blocked' => 'Sorry! Your account is blocked. Please contact to our customer care.',
'your_account_has_been_blocked' => 'Your account has been blocked! Please contact to our customer care.',
'your_account_has_been_suspended' => 'Sorry! Your account has been suspended.',
'your_first_name' => 'Your first name',
'your_last_name' => 'Your last name',
'want_to_disable_earnings' => 'Want to change the delivery man type to salary based?',
'want_to_enable_earnings' => 'Want to change the delivery man type to freelancer?',
'want_to_update_admin_password' => 'Want to update admin password ?',
'want_to_update_password' => 'Want to update user password ?',
'proceed' => 'Proceed',
'denied' => 'Denied',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'twilio_sms' => 'Twilio',
'sid' => 'SID',
'token' => 'Token',
'token_varified' => 'Token verified!',
'token_not_found' => 'Token is not found!',
'otp_template' => 'OTP template',
'nexmo_sms' => 'Nexmo',
'api_key' => 'API key',
'iframe_id' => 'Iframe id',
'integration_id' => 'Integration id',
'HMAC' => 'HMAC',
'EGP_currency_is_required' => 'EGP currency is required',
'api_secret' => 'API Secret',
'2factor_sms' => '2factor',
'msg91_sms' => 'Msg91',
'template_id' => 'Template ID',
'authkey' => 'Auth Key',
'module' => 'Module',
'management' => 'Management',
'header_title_1' => 'Header Title 1',
'header_title_2' => 'Header Title 2',
'header_title_3' => 'Header Title 3',
'about_title' => 'About Title',
'why_choose_us' => 'Why Choose Us?',
'why_choose_us_title' => 'Why Choose Us Title',
'trusted_by_customer' => 'Trusted by Customer',
'trusted_by_restaurant' => 'Restaurant Owner',
'contact_us' => 'Contact Us',
'footer_article' => 'Footer Article',
'home' => 'Home',
'support' => 'Support',
'browse_web' => 'Browse Web',
'yes' => 'Yes',
'saturday' => 'Saturday',
'sunday' => 'Sunday',
'monday' => 'Monday',
'tuesday' => 'Tuesday',
'wednesday' => 'Wednesday',
'thirsday' => 'Thursday',
'friday' => 'Friday',
'restaurant_cancellation_toggle' => 'Restaurant can cancel a order',
'deliveryman_cancellation_toggle' => 'Deliveryman can cancel a order',
'time_zone' => 'Time Zone',
'time_format' => 'Time Format',
'12_hour' => '12H',
'24_hour' => '24H',
'language' => 'Language',
'show_earning_for_each_order' => 'Show earning for each order (Deliveryman app)',
'order_canceled_confirmation' => 'You want to cancel this order?',
'first_name_is_required' => 'First name is required!',
'select_a_zone' => 'Please select a zone!',
'select_dm_type' => 'Please select deliveryman type!',
'credential_updated' => ':service credential updated',
'credentials_setup' => 'Credentials SetUp',
'callback_uri' => 'Callback URI',
'copy_uri' => 'Copy URI',
'store_client_id' => 'Store Client ID',
'store_client_secret' => 'Store Client Secret',
'google_api_setup_instructions' => 'Google API Set up Instructions',
'go_to_the_credentials_page' => 'Go to the Credentials page',
'click' => 'Click',
'create_credentials' => 'Create credentials',
'auth_client_id' => 'OAuth client ID',
'select_the' => 'Select the',
'web_application' => 'Web application',
'name_your_auth_client' => 'Name your OAuth 2.0 client',
'add_uri' => 'ADD URI',
'authorized_redirect_uris' => 'Authorized redirect URIs',
'provide_the' => 'provide the',
'from_below_and_click' => 'from below and click',
'create' => 'create',
'client_id' => 'Client ID',
'and' => 'and',
'client_secret' => 'Client Secret',
'past_in_the_input_field_below_and' => 'paste in the input field below and',
'facebook_api_set_instruction' => 'Facebook API Set up Instructions',
'goto_the_facebook_developer_page' => 'Go to the facebook developer page',
'click_here' => 'Click here',
'get_started' => 'Get Started',
'from_navbar' => 'from Navbar',
'from_register_tab_press' => 'From Register tab press',
'continue' => 'Continue',
'if_needed' => 'If needed',
'provide_primary_email_and_press' => 'Provide Primary Email and press',
'confirm_email' => 'Confirm Email',
'in_about_section_select' => 'In about section select',
'other' => 'Other',
'and_press' => 'and press',
'complete_registration' => 'Complete Registration',
'create_app' => 'Create App',
'select_an_app_type_and_press' => 'Select an app type and press',
'next' => 'Next',
'complete_the_details_form_and_press' => 'Complete the add details form and press',
'facebook_login' => 'Facebook Login',
'press' => 'press',
'set_up' => 'Set Up',
'web' => 'Web',
'site_url' => 'Site URL',
'base_url_of_the_site' => 'Base URL of the site ex',
'now_go_to' => 'Now go to',
'setting' => 'Setting',
'left_sidebar' => 'left sidebar',
'make_sure_to_check' => 'Make sure to check',
'client_auth_login' => 'Client OAuth Login',
'must_on' => 'must on',
'valid_auth_redirect_uris' => 'Valid OAuth Redirect URIs',
'save_changes' => 'Save Changes',
'from_left_sidebar' => 'from left sidebar',
'fill_the_form_and_press' => 'Fill the form and press',
'now_copy' => 'Now, copy',
'twitter_api_set_up_instructions' => 'Twitter API Set up Instructions',
'instruction_will_be_available_very_soon' => 'Instruction will be available very soon',
'facebook' => 'Facebook',
'google' => 'Google',
'Customer_not_found_or_Account_has_been_suspended' => 'Customer not found or Account has been suspended',
'email_does_not_match' => 'Email does not match',
'user_not_found' => 'User not found',
'email_already_exists' => 'Email already exists!',
'want_to_login_as_admin' => 'Want to login as admin?',
'admin_login' => 'Admin Login',
'your_email' => 'Your Email',
'remember_me' => 'Remember me',
'restaurant_employee_login_form' => 'Restaurtant Employee Login Form',
'add_new_restaurant' => 'Add new restaurant',
'edit_bank_info' => 'Edit Bank Info',
'please_only_input_png_or_jpg_type_file' => 'Please only input png or jpg type file',
'file_size_too_big' => 'File size too big!',
'credentials_does_not_match' => 'Credentials does not match.',
'product_unavailable_warning' => 'One or more foods in your cart is not available. Please clear your cart and try again.',
'refund_request_placed_successfully' => 'Refund request placed successfully!',
'you_can_not_request_for_refund_after_delivery' => 'You can not request for refund before delivery!',
'invalid_password_warning' => 'Your password is invalid. Please try again.',
'veg_non_veg' => 'Veg/non-veg toggle',
'restaurant_self_registration' => 'Restaurant self registration',
'dm_self_registration' => 'Deliveryman self registration',
'404_warning_message' => 'Sorry, the page you\'re looking for cannot be found',
'500_warning_message' => 'The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.',
'reload_page' => 'Reload page',
'error' => 'Error',
'your_application_is_not_approved_yet' => 'Your application is not approved yet!',
'add_new_addon' => 'Add new addon',
'nav_menu' => 'Nav menu',
'you_want_to_update_user_info' => 'Want to update user info ?',
'schedule_order_disabled_warning' => 'Schedule order is disabled by admin',
'vendor_pasword_updated_successfully' => 'Vendor password updated successfully!',
'languages' => 'Languages',
'reCaptcha' => 'ReCaptcha',
'reCaptcha Setup' => 'ReCaptcha Setup',
'Credentials SetUp' => 'Credentials SetUp',
'Site Key' => 'Site Key',
'Secret Key' => 'Secret Key',
'reCaptcha credential Set up Instructions' => 'ReCaptcha credential Set up Instructions',
'Go to the Credentials page' => 'Go to the Credentials page',
'Click' => 'Click',
'Add a ' => 'Add a ',
'label' => 'Label',
'(Ex: Test Label)' => '(Ex: Test Label)',
'Select reCAPTCHA v2 as ' => 'Select reCAPTCHA v2 as ',
'reCAPTCHA Type' => 'ReCAPTCHA Type',
'Sub type: I\'m not a robot Checkbox' => 'Sub type: I m not a robot Checkbox',
'Add' => 'Add',
'domain' => 'Domain',
'(For ex:' => '(For ex:',
'Check in ' => 'Check in ',
'Accept the reCAPTCHA Terms of Service' => 'Accept the reCAPTCHA Terms of Service',
'Press' => 'Press',
'Submit' => 'Submit',
'Copy' => 'Copy',
'paste in the input filed below and' => 'Paste in the input filed below and',
'Close' => 'Close',
'Please check the recaptcha' => 'Please check the recaptcha',
'Enter recaptcha value' => 'Enter recaptcha value',
'ReCAPTCHA Failed' => 'ReCAPTCHA Failed',
'Users Overview' => 'Users Overview',
'This Month' => 'This Month',
'Overall' => 'Overall',
'Business Overview' => 'Business Overview',
'Customer' => 'Customer',
'Restaurant' => 'Restaurant',
'delivery_man' => 'Delivery Man',
'delivery_man_type' => 'Deliveryman Type',
'Overall Statistics' => 'Overall Statistics',
'Today\'s Statistics' => 'Today\'s Statistics',
'Name is required!' => 'Name is required!',
'Restaurant is required when banner type is restaurant wise' => 'Restaurant is required when banner type is restaurant wise',
'Food is required when banner type is food wise' => 'Food is required when banner type is food wise',
'Role name is required!' => 'Role name is required!',
'Role name already taken!' => 'Role name already taken!',
'Last name is required!' => 'Last name is required!',
'No Data found' => 'No Data found',
'Bank Info View' => 'Bank Info View',
'complete' => 'Complete',
'Please select atleast one module' => 'Please select atleast one module',
'Food Bulk Import' => 'Food Bulk Import',
'Import Food`s File' => 'Import Food`s File',
'Download Format' => 'Download Format',
'Add new category' => 'Add new category',
'Update category' => 'Update category',
'Total Price' => 'Total Price',
'you want to sent notification to' => 'You want to sent notification to ',
'Variant' => 'Variant',
'Variant Price' => 'Variant Price',
'quantity' => 'Quantity',
'Category Bulk Export' => 'Category Bulk Export',
'Import Categories File' => 'Import Categories File',
'qty' => 'QTY',
'You have new order, Check Please.' => 'You have new order, Check Please.',
'Ok, let me check' => 'Ok, let me check',
'Restaurant deleted!' => 'Restaurant deleted!',
'Food deleted!' => 'Food deleted!',
'reset' => 'Reset',
'Unauthorized' => 'Unauthorized.',
'Export Restaurants' => 'Export Restaurants',
'star' => 'star',
'Order List' => 'Order List',
'This Month\'s Statistics' => 'This Month\'s Statistics',
'Daily time schedule' => 'Daily time schedule',
'Create Schedule For ' => 'Create Schedule For ',
'Start time' => 'Start time',
'End time' => 'End time',
'Restaurant settings updated!' => 'Restaurant settings updated!',
'Schedule added successfully' => 'Schedule added successfully',
'Schedule removed successfully' => 'Schedule removed successfully',
'Offday' => 'Offday',
'You want to remove this schedule' => 'You want to remove this schedule?',
'End time must be after the start time' => 'End time must be after the start time',
'Schedule not found' => 'Schedule not found or already deleted!',
'schedule_overlapping_warning' => 'This schedule is overlaping another shcedule!',
'Update addon' => 'Update addon',
'Update campaign' => 'Update campaign',
'description_length_warning' => 'Description must not be greater than 1000 characters',
'Add new sub category' => 'Add new sub category',
'Name and description in english is required' => 'Name and description in english is required',
'Schedule order slot duration' => 'Schedule order slot duration',
'Digit after decimal point' => 'Digit after decimal point',
'minute' => 'Minute',
'Update Attribute' => 'Update Attribute',
'add_language_warrning' => 'If you add a new language you have to add it in app also',
'paytm' => 'Paytm',
'paytm_merchant_key' => 'Paytm merchant key',
'paytm_merchant_mid' => 'Paytm merchant mid',
'paytm_merchant_website' => 'Paytm merchant website',
'liqpay' => 'Liqpay',
'privateKey' => 'PrivateKey',
'base_url_by_region' => 'Base url by region',
'profile_id' => 'Profile id',
'server_key' => 'Server key',
'paytabs' => 'Paytabs',
'bkash' => 'Bkash',
'Cash on delivery order not available at this time' => 'Cash on delivery order not available at this time',
'category_added_successfully' => 'Category added successfully!',
'Fav Icon' => 'Fav Icon',
'add_fund' => 'Add fund',
'you_want_to_add_fund' => 'You want to add fund of ',
'to_wallet' => '`s wallet?',
'add_fund_by_admin' => 'Add fund by admin',
'fund_added_successfully' => 'Fund added successfully',
'failed_to_create_transaction' => 'Failed to create transaction',
'customer_settings' => 'Customer settings',
'bonus_on_add_fund_by_customer' => 'Bonus on add fund by customer (%)',
'refund_to_wallet' => 'Add refund amount to wallet',
'refund_to_wallet_hint' => 'When a order will refund, order amount will add to customer wallet',
'add_fund_by_customer' => 'Add fund by customer',
'add_fund_by_customer_hint' => 'If this field is enabled customer will be able to add fund by himself.',
'point_to_currency_exchange_rate' => '1 :currency equal to how much loyalty points?',
'item_purchase_point' => 'Percentage of loyalty point on order amount',
'item_purchase_point_hint' => 'On every purchase this percent of amount will be added as loyalty point on his account',
'customer_wallet' => 'Customer wallet',
'customer_settings_updated_successfully' => 'Customer settings updated successfully',
'refund_order' => 'Refund Order',
'select_customer' => 'Select customer',
'debit' => 'Debit',
'credit' => 'Credit',
'transaction_type' => 'Transaction type',
'admin_bonus' => 'Admin bonus',
'order_place' => 'Order place',
'point_to_wallet' => 'Point to wallet',
'customer_wallet_disable_warning' => 'Wallet is not available. Please select another payment method.',
'point_to_wallet_transfer_successfully' => 'Loyality point add to wallet successfully!',
'failed_to_transfer' => 'Failed to transfer!',
'insufficient_point' => 'Insufficient loyalty points',
'minimum_point_to_transfer' => 'Minimum loyalty points to transfer into wallet',
'loyalty_point' => 'Loyalty point',
'customer_wallet_disable_warning_admin' => 'Please enable wallet from customer settings',
'upload_option_is_disable_for_demo' => 'Upload option is disable for demo',
'order_refund' => 'Order refund',
'Redirecting_to_the_payment_page' => 'Redirecting to the payment page',
'Social Media' => 'Social Media',
'social_media_form' => 'Social media form',
'Instagram' => 'Instagram',
'Facebook' => 'Facebook',
'Twitter' => 'Twitter',
'LinkedIn' => 'LinkedIn',
'Pinterest' => 'Pinterest',
'Google plus' => 'Google plus',
'social_media_link' => 'Social media link',
'Enter Social Media Link' => 'Enter Social Media Link',
'social_media_table' => 'Social media table',
'sl' => 'SL',
'link' => 'Link',
'Social Name Is Requeired' => 'Social Name Is Requeired',
'Social Link Is Requeired' => 'Social Link Is Requeired',
'Social Media Already taken' => 'Social Media Already taken',
'Social Media inserted Successfully' => 'Social Media inserted Successfully',
'Social info updated Successfully' => 'Social info updated Successfully',
'Are you sure delete this social media' => 'Are you sure delete this social media',
'Social media deleted Successfully' => 'Social media deleted Successfully',
'thanks_for_the_order' => 'Thanks for the order',
'Your_order_ID' => 'Your order ID',
'Ordered_Items' => 'Ordered Items',
'to_view_your_order_sign_into_your' => 'To view your order sign into your :company_name',
'to_view_your_order_sign_into_your account_and_please_click_below_button' => 'To view your order sign into your :company_name account and please click below button',
'Unit_price' => 'Unit price',
'payment_details' => 'Payment details',
'coupon_discount' => 'Coupon discount',
'website' => 'Website',
'sorry' => 'sorry!',
'congratulations' => 'congratulations',
'Registration request successfull' => 'Registration request successfull!',
'Registration request approved' => 'Registration request approved!',
'Registration request denied' => 'Registration request denied!',
'dear' => 'Dear',
'Thank you for joinning with' => 'Thank you for joinning with',
'Thank you for the joinning request on' => 'Thank you for the joinning request on',
'Your registration request is now status' => 'Your registration request is now :status.',
'Please wait untill admin aprroave your request' => 'Please wait untill admin aprroave your request',
'If you require any assistance or have feedback or suggestions about our site, you can email us at' => 'If you require any assistance or have feedback or suggestions about our site, you can email us at',
'We are thrilled to have you with us. Explore more foods and restaurant and enjoy your meal' => 'We are thrilled to have you with us. Explore more foods and restaurant and enjoy your meal !',
'Account Created' => 'Account Created!',
'Buy Now' => 'Buy Now',
'All copy right reserved' => 'All copy right reserved © :year :title',
'Transaction Sucessfull' => 'Transaction Sucessfull !',
'amount sucessfully credited to your wallet' => ':amount sucessfully credited to your wallet',
'you_can_not_change_the_status_of_a_completed_order' => 'You can not change the status of a completed order',
'Rewared by company admin' => 'Rewared by :company_name admin',
'loyalty_point_to_wallet' => 'Loyalty points converted to wallet',
'quick_links' => 'Quick Links',
'download_our_apps' => 'Download our apps',
'feature_section_description' => 'Feature Section Description',
'mobile_app_section_heading' => 'Mobile app section heading',
'mobile_app_section_text' => 'Mobile App Section Paragraph',
'mobile_app_section_image' => 'Mobile App Section Image',
'feature' => 'Feature',
'header_footer_bg' => 'Background Change',
'feature_title' => 'Feature Title',
'feature_description' => 'Feature Description',
'feature_img' => 'Feature Image',
'change_header_bg' => 'Header Background',
'change_footer_bg' => 'Footer Background',
'landing_page_bg' => 'Landing Page Background',
'news_letter_signup' => 'Sign Up For Newsletter',
'news_letter_signup_text' => 'Receive Latest News, Updates and Many Other News Every Week',
'background_updated' => 'Background Color Updated',
'subscription_successful' => 'Subscription successful',
'subscription_exist' => 'Subscription email already exist',
'subscribed_mail_list' => 'Subscribed Emails',
'subscriber_list' => 'Subscriber List',
'our_mobile_applications' => 'Our Mobile Apps',
'landing_page_feature_updated' => 'Landing page feature updated',
'our_features' => 'Stuning Features',
'test_your_email_integration' => 'Test your email integration',
'send_mail' => 'Send mail',
'Are you sure?' => 'Are you sure ',
'a_test_mail_will_be_sent_to_your_email' => 'A test mail will be sent to your email',
'Yes' => 'Yes',
'email_configuration_error' => 'Email configuration error',
'email_configured_perfectly!' => 'Email configured perfectly!',
'email_status_is_not_active' => 'Email status is not active',
'invalid_email_address' => 'Invalid email address',
'Email Verification' => 'Email Verification',
'mail_received_successfully' => 'Mail received successfully',
'Active' => 'Active',
'Inactive' => 'Inactive',
'smtp_mail_config' => 'Smtp mail config',
'Password Reset' => 'Password Reset',
'Your password reset token' => 'Your password reset token',
'Password reset token' => 'Password reset token',
'A request has been received to change password for your' => 'A request has been received to change password for your',
'account' => 'account',
'Your password reset token is' => 'Your password reset token is',
'delivery_man_tips' => 'DM Tips',
'delivery_fee' => 'Delivery Fee',
'dm_tips_status' => 'DM tips manage',
'zip_code' => 'Zip code',
'apartment' => 'Apartment',
'floor' => 'Floor',
'clean_database' => 'Clean database',
'environment_setup' => 'Environment setup',
'This_page_is_having_sensitive_data.Make_sure_before_changing.' => 'This page is having sensitive data.Make sure before changing.',
'True' => 'True',
'False' => 'False',
'Live' => 'Live',
'Dev' => 'Dev',
'DB_clean' => 'DB clean',
'Clean database' => 'Clean database',
'This_page_contains_sensitive_information.Make_sure_before_changing.' => 'This page contains sensitive information.Make sure before changing.',
'Clear' => 'Clear',
'Sensitive_data! Make_sure_before_changing.' => 'Sensitive data! Make sure before changing.',
'Cancelled' => 'Cancelled',
'Floor' => 'Floor',
'Road' => 'Road',
'House' => 'House',
'c_referrer_earning' => 'Customer referrer earning',
'minimum_earning_to_transfer' => 'Minimum earning to transfer',
'ref_earning_exchange_rate' => 'Referrer earning exchange rate',
'customer_referrer' => 'Customer referrer',
'theme_settings' => 'Theme settings',
'themes' => 'Themes',
'select_theme' => 'Select theme',
'icon' => 'Icon',
'thumbnail' => 'Thumbnail',
'theme_settings_updated' => 'Theme settings updated',
'successfully_updated_to_changes_app' => 'Successfully updated to changes app',
'Order ID' => 'Order ID',
'Customer Name' => 'Customer Name',
'DESC' => 'DESC',
'Items Price' => 'Items Price',
'Addon Cost' => 'Addon Cost',
'DM Tips' => 'DM Tips',
'Delivery Fee' => 'Delivery Fee',
'Successfully updated. To see the changes in app restart the app.' => 'Successfully updated. To see the changes in app restart the app.',
'POS' => 'POS',
'System' => 'System',
'Orders' => 'Orders',
'logout_warning_message' => 'Logout warning message',
'Search here' => 'Search here',
'Select' => 'Select',
'All restaurant' => 'All restaurant',
'Category' => 'Category',
'All categories' => 'All categories',
'Add customer' => 'Add customer',
'contact_person_name' => 'Contact person name',
'contact_person_number' => 'Contact person number',
'Delivery address' => 'Delivery address',
'Add new customer' => 'Add new customer',
'First name' => 'First name',
'last name' => 'Last name',
'' => 'Ex :',
'with_country_code' => 'With country code',
'Sorry, product out of stock' => 'Sorry product out of stock',
'Sorry, you can not add multiple stores data in same cart' => 'Sorry you can not add multiple stores data in same cart',
'The Geolocation service failed' => 'The Geolocation service failed',
'Your browser doesn\'t support geolocation' => 'Your browser doesn t support geolocation',
'All Restaurant' => 'All Restaurant',
'select_a_module' => 'Select a module',
'Select a restaurant' => 'Select a restaurant',
'add_new_customer' => 'Add new customer',
'customer_added_successfully' => 'Customer added successfully',
'All Zone' => 'All Zone',
'All Categories' => 'All Categories',
'change_user_app_theme' => 'Change user app theme',
'theme' => 'Theme',
'apply' => 'Apply',
'Cancel' => 'Cancel',
'Enter processing time' => 'Enter processing time',
'Enter Processing time in minutes' => 'Enter Processing time in minutes',
'No' => 'No',
'referrer' => 'Referrer',
'referrer_to_currency' => 'One referrer equal to how much :currency?',
'change_theme_for_user_app' => 'Change theme for user app',
'Select Zone' => 'Select Zone',
'Are you sure ?' => 'Are you sure ',
'Paid by' => 'Paid by',
'table_unchecked_warning' => 'Uncheck ":table" first',
'password_mismatch' => 'Password did,t match!',
'OTP found, you can proceed' => 'OTP found you can proceed',
'Password changed successfully.' => 'Password changed successfully.',
'earned_from_referrer' => 'earned from referrer',
'add_fund_to_wallet' => 'add fund to wallet',
'referer_disable' => 'Refer and earn option is not available',
'referer_code_not_found' => 'Referrer code not found',
'Customer list' => 'Customer list',
'user_account_delete_warning' => 'You can\'t delete your account without complete your orders.',
'user_account_wallet_delete_warning' => 'You can\'t delete your account without clear your dues.',
'Order Details' => 'Order Details',
'mail_configuration_status' => 'mail configuration status',
'This_page_contains_sensitive_information.Please_make_sure_before_click_the_button.' => 'This page contains sensitive information.Please make sure before click the button.',
'Select Categories' => 'Select Categories',
'Delivery Man Preview' => 'Delivery Man Preview',
'Delivery Man Maximum Cash in Hand' => 'Delivery Man Maximum Cash in Hand',
'Admin Comission in Delivery Charge' => 'Admin Comission in Delivery Charge',
'delivery_fee_earning' => 'delivery fee earning',
'Delivery_Fee_Earning' => 'Delivery Fee Earning',
'zone_wise_delivery_fee' => 'zone wise delivery fee',
'Coordinates' => 'Coordinates',
'timelog' => 'Time Logs',
'Delivery Man TimeLog' => 'Delivery Man TimeLog',
'available_time' => 'available time',
'H:M' => 'H:M',
'commission_on_delivery_fee' => 'commission on delivery fee',
'including_food_delivery_fee_commission' => 'Including food & delivery fee commission',
'assigned_orders' => 'assigned orders',
'active_time' => 'active time',
'Accoutn transaction information' => 'Accoutn transaction information',
'deliveryman_deleted!' => 'Deliveryman deleted!',
'Withdraw Request' => 'Withdraw Request',
'delivery man max cash in hand exceeds' => 'Delivery man max cash in hand exceeds',
'free_delivery_toggle_hint' => 'Enable self delivery system if free delivery is disabled',
'all_zones' => 'All Zones',
'order_statistics' => 'Order Statistics',
'user_statistics' => 'Users Statistics',
'unassigned_orders' => 'Unassigned Orders',
'accepted_by_delivery_man' => 'Accepted by Delivery Man',
'cooking_in_restaurant' => 'Cooking in Resturant',
'picked_up_by_delivery_man' => 'Picked Up by Delivery Man',
'no_data_found' => 'No data found',
'food_info' => 'Food Info',
'food_image' => 'Food Image',
'food_details' => 'Food Details',
'time_schedule' => 'Time Schedule',
'add_attribute' => 'Add Attribute',
'restaurant_info' => 'Restaurant info',
'food_information' => 'Food Information',
'short_description' => 'Short Description',
'campaign_restaurant_list' => 'Campaign Resturant List',
'remove' => 'Remove',
'notification_list' => 'Notification list',
'send_again' => 'Send Again',
'filters' => 'Filters',
'----to----' => '----TO----',
'clear_all_filters' => 'Clear all filters',
'home_delivery' => 'Home Delivery',
'item_details' => 'Item Details',
'order_setup' => 'Order Setup',
'change_order_status' => 'Change Order Status',
'instructions' => 'Instructions',
'create_zone_by_click_on_map_and_connect_the_dots_together' => 'Create zone by click on map and connect the dots together',
'use_this_drag_map_to_find_proper_area' => 'Use this to drag map to find proper area',
'click_this_icon_to_start_pin_points_in_the_map_and_connect_them_to_draw_a_zone._minimum_3_points_required' => 'Click this icon to start pin points in the map and connect them to draw a zone . Minimum 3 points required',
'minimum_delivery_charge' => 'Minimum delivery charge',
'delivery_charge_per_km' => 'Delivery charge per KM',
'total_restaurants' => 'Total Restaurants',
'active_restaurants' => 'Active Restaurants',
'inactive_restaurants' => 'Inactive Restaurants',
'newly_joined_restaurants' => 'Newly Joined Restaurants',
'total_transactions' => 'TOTAL TRANSACTIONS',
'comission_earned' => 'COMISSION EARNED',
'total_restaurant_withdraws' => 'TOTAL RESTAURANT WITHDRAWS',
'restaurant_name' => 'Restaurant Name',
'owner_information' => 'Owner Information',
'1:1' => '1:1',
'2:1' => '2:1',
'order_date' => 'Order Date',
'customer_information' => 'Customer Information',
'customer_name' => 'Customer Name',
'total_amount' => 'Total Amount',
'order_id' => 'Order ID',
'order_status' => 'Order Status',
'pending_food_request' => 'Pending Food Request',
'active_request' => 'Active Request',
'inactive_request' => 'Inactive Request',
'ratings' => 'Ratings',
'excellent' => 'Excellent',
'good' => 'Good',
'average' => 'Average',
'below_average' => 'Below Average',
'poor' => 'Poor',
'reviewer_info' => 'Reviewer Info',
'*_this_discount_is_applied_on_all_the_foods_in_your_restaurant' => '* This discount is applied on all the foods in your restaurant',
'conditions' => 'Conditions',
'no_discount' => 'No discount',
'cash_collected_by_admin' => 'Cash Collected by Admin',
'order_collected_by_admin' => 'Order Collected by Admin',
'manage_food_setup' => 'Manage Food Setup',
'show_reviews_in_restaurant_panel' => 'Show Reviews in Restaurant Panel',
'include_pos_in_restaurant_panel' => 'Include POS in Restuarant Panel',
'self_delivery' => 'Self Delivery',
'both' => 'Both',
'step_1' => 'STEP 1',
'download_excel_file' => 'Download Excel File',
'step_2' => 'STEP 2',
'match_spread_sheet_data_according_to_instruction' => 'Match Spread sheet data according to instruction',
'step_3' => 'STEP 3',
'validate_data_and_comple_import' => 'Validate data and complete import',
'import_restaurants' => 'Import Restaurants',
'choose_file' => 'Choose File',
'food_search_text_pos' => 'To get required search result First select zone & then restaurant to search category wise food or search manually to find food under that restaurant',
'billing_section' => 'Billing Section',
'Deliery Infomation' => 'Deliery Infomation',
'Home Delivery' => 'Home Delivery',
'Name' => 'Name',
'Contact Number' => 'Contact Number',
'* pin the address in the map to calculate delivery fee' => '* pin the address in the map to calculate delivery fee',
'Delivery fee' => 'Delivery fee',
'person_name' => 'person name',
'Total' => 'Total',
'Cash' => 'Cash',
'Card' => 'Card',
'Wallet' => 'Wallet',
'Paid Amount' => 'Paid Amount',
'Delivery Options' => 'Delivery Options',
'Clear Cart' => 'Clear Cart',
'Update' => 'Update',
'Food Info' => 'Food Info',
'Ratio 200x200' => 'Ratio 200x200',
'Select Resturant' => 'Select Resturant',
'Food Details' => 'Food Details',
'chat' => 'Chat',
'conversations' => 'Conversations',
'message_description' => 'You have received new message',
'Top Deliveryman' => 'Top Deliveryman',
'Top Resturants' => 'Top Resturants',
'Reviews' => 'Reviews',
'*By turning on maintaince mode, all your app and customer side website will be off. Only admin panel and seller panel will be functional' => '*By turning on maintaince mode all your app and customer side website will be off. Only admin panel and seller panel will be functional',
'Attribute' => 'Attribute',
'DM Tips Option' => 'DM Tips Option',
'Veg / Non Veg Option' => 'Veg / Non Veg Option',
'Restuarant Man can Cancel Order?' => 'Restuarant Man can Cancel Order ',
'Cash Collection Transaction' => 'Cash Collection Transaction',
'Role Name' => 'Role Name',
'Select All' => 'Select All',
'Employee Role List' => 'Employee Role List',
'Genaral Information' => 'Genaral Information',
'Deliveryman Image' => 'Deliveryman Image',
'Created At' => 'Created At',
'Employee Image' => 'Employee Image',
'Food Wise Report Table' => 'Food Wise Report Table',
'Restaurant Withdraw Transaction' => 'Restaurant Withdraw Transaction',
'Current Orders' => 'Current Orders',
'Amount' => 'Amount',
'Approved' => 'Approved',
'STEP 1' => 'STEP 1',
'Download Excel File' => 'Download Excel File',
'STEP 2' => 'STEP 2',
'Match Spread sheet data according to instruction' => 'Match Spread sheet data according to instruction',
'STEP 3' => 'STEP 3',
'Validate data and and complete import' => 'Validate data and and complete import',
'Instructions' => 'Instructions',
'1. Download the format file and fill it with proper data.' => '1. Download the format file and fill it with proper data.',
'2. You can download the example file to understand how the data must be filled.' => '2. You can download the example file to understand how the data must be filled.',
'3. Once you have downloaded and filled the format file, upload it in the form below and submit.' => '3. Once you have downloaded and filled the format file, upload it in the form below and submit.',
'Download Spreadsheet Template' => 'Download Spreadsheet Template',
'Template with Existing Data' => 'Template with Existing Data',
'Template without Data' => 'Template without Data',
'Import Addons File' => 'Import Addons File',
'Choose File' => 'Choose File',
'Export Addons' => 'Export Addons',
'Select Data Type' => 'Select Data Type',
'Select Data Range by Date and Export' => 'Select Data Range by Date and Export',
'Export' => 'Export',
'Attachments' => 'Attachments',
'Pending Food' => 'Pending Food',
'Active Food' => 'Active Food',
'Inactive Food' => 'Inactive Food',
'Search_by_name' => 'Search by name',
'commission_on' => 'commission on',
'start_date' => 'start date',
'end_date' => 'end date',
'Pending' => 'Pending',
'Delivery Information' => 'Delivery Information',
'Commission on Delivery' => 'Commission on Delivery',
'Request' => 'Request',
'Approve' => 'Approve',
'Deny' => 'Deny',
'Note about transaction or request' => 'Note about transaction or request',
'Columns' => 'Columns',
'Type' => 'Type',
'Status' => 'Status',
'Price' => 'Price',
'Action' => 'Action',
'Info' => 'Info',
'Short Description' => 'Short Description',
'Reviewer Table List' => 'Reviewer Table List',
'Add Attribute' => 'Add Attribute',
'Import Restaurants' => 'Import Restaurants',
'Export Foods' => 'Export Foods',
'Opening and closing schedules' => 'Opening and closing schedules',
'Opening Time' => 'Opening Time',
'Closing Time' => 'Closing Time',
'Edit Restaurant Info' => 'Edit Restaurant Info',
'Bank Information' => 'Bank Information',
'Update Bank Info' => 'Update Bank Info',
'Employee Role' => 'Employee Role',
'General Information' => 'General Information',
'Employee image size max 2 MB' => 'Employee image size max 2 MB',
'Item Details' => 'Item Details',
'Addons' => 'Addons',
'Order Setup' => 'Order Setup',
'Confirm Order' => 'Confirm Order',
'Cancel Order' => 'Cancel Order',
'Assign Delivery Man' => 'Assign Delivery Man',
'To get required search result First select zone & then restaurant to search category wise food or search manually to find food under that restaurant' => 'To get required search result First select zone & then restaurant to search category wise food or search manually to find food under that restaurant',
'Billing Section' => 'Billing Section',
'Add New Customer' => 'Add New Customer',
'Contact person name' => 'Contact person name',
'Address' => 'Address',
'Update Delivery address' => 'Update Delivery address',
'Top Restaurants' => 'Top Restaurants',
'restaurant_man_can_cancel_order' => 'restaurant man can cancel order',
'restaurant_can_cancel_order' => 'restaurant can cancel order',
'login_here' => 'login here',
'Restaurant Owner login credential.' => 'Restaurant Owner login credential.',
'welcome_to_app' => 'WELCOME TO :app_name',
'Manage your app & website easily' => 'Manage your app & website easily',
'Most popular Restaurants' => 'Most popular Restaurants',
'Most Popular Restaurants' => 'Most Popular Restaurants',
'Bulk Import' => 'Bulk Import',
'Bulk Export' => 'Bulk Export',
'Subscribed Emails' => 'Subscribed Emails',
'customers_list' => 'customers list',
'Customer List' => 'Customer List',
'Customer Wallet' => 'Customer Wallet',
'If you turn on this, customers have to verify their phone number through an OTP and you need to set up an SMS gateway before turning on this.' => 'If you turn on this customers have to verify their phone number through an OTP and you need to set up an SMS gateway before turning on this.',
'If this field is active, restaurants can register themself using the restaurant app, user app, or website.' => 'If this field is active restaurants can register themself using the restaurant app user app or website.',
'When this field is active, delivery men can register themself using the delivery man app, user app, or website.' => 'When this field is active delivery men can register themself using the delivery man app user app or website.',
'Turning on this, admin will get a popup notification with sound for all orders.' => 'Turning on this admin will get a popup notification with sound for all orders.',
'After activating this field, customers are able to place scheduled orders.' => 'After activating this field customers are able to place scheduled orders.',
'If this field is active, customers have to provide a 4-digit code to the delivery man to deliver an order successfully. Customers will get this code in order details.' => 'If this field is active customers have to provide a 4-digit code to the delivery man to deliver an order successfully. Customers will get this code in order details.',
'– If this option is enabled, the Delivery men Tip option will show on the user app & web app during order placement.' => '– If this option is enabled the Delivery men Tip option will show on the user app & web app during order placement.',
'If this field is enabled, the delivery man is able to see the earnings when accepting the order on the order request page.' => 'If this field is enabled the delivery man is able to see the earnings when accepting the order on the order request page.',
'When this field is active, the restaurants and the customers both can see the veg/non-veg tag.' => 'When this field is active the restaurants and the customers both can see the veg/non-veg tag.',
'– The chosen model will confirm the order first. For example, if you choose the delivery confirmation model then the delivery men will get the orders before the restaurants and confirm for delivery and after confirmation by the delivery men, the restaurants will get the order for processing.' => '– The chosen model will confirm the order first. For example if you choose the delivery confirmation model then the delivery men will get the orders before the restaurants and confirm for delivery and after confirmation by the delivery men the restaurants will get the order for processing.',
'Deliveryman List' => 'Deliveryman List',
'Delivery Man can Cancel Order' => 'Delivery Man can Cancel Order',
'Order cancellation is possible by the delivery person if /"Yes/" is chosen .' => 'Order cancellation is possible by the delivery person if / Yes/ is chosen .',
'Order cancellation is possible by the delivery person if "Yes" is chosen .' => 'Order cancellation is possible by the delivery person if Yes is chosen .',
'Order cancellation is possible by the restaurant if "Yes" is chosen .' => 'Order cancellation is possible by the restaurant if Yes is chosen .',
'The schedule order time slot will be managed by this value. For example, If you set 30 minutes in this section then you will see 10.30 to 11 or 11.00 to 11.30 or 11.30 to 12.00 when ordering user apps.' => 'The schedule order time slot will be managed by this value. For example If you set 30 minutes in this section then you will see 10.30 to 11 or 11.00 to 11.30 or 11.30 to 12.00 when ordering user apps.',
'If this option is enabled, the Delivery men Tip option will show on the user app & web app during order placement.' => 'If this option is enabled the Delivery men Tip option will show on the user app & web app during order placement.',
'The chosen model will confirm the order first. For example, if you choose the delivery confirmation model then the delivery men will get the orders before the restaurants and confirm for delivery and after confirmation by the delivery men, the restaurants will get the order for processing.' => 'The chosen model will confirm the order first. For example if you choose the delivery confirmation model then the delivery men will get the orders before the restaurants and confirm for delivery and after confirmation by the delivery men the restaurants will get the order for processing.',
'The given number will be the maximum ongoing orders for a delivery man.' => 'The given number will be the maximum ongoing orders for a delivery man.',
' If the order amount exceeds this amount the delivery fee will be free and
the delivery fee will be deducted from the admin’s commission.' => ' If the order amount exceeds this amount the delivery fee will be free and
the delivery fee will be deducted from the admin’s commission.',
'' => '',
'If this field is active, the restaurant panel & restaurant app can see the customer’s review.' => 'If this field is active the restaurant panel & restaurant app can see the customer’s review.',
'If this option is turned on, the restaurant panel will get the Point of Sale (POS) option.' => 'If this option is turned on the restaurant panel will get the Point of Sale (POS) option.',
' If this status is turned on, the customer is able to place a scheduled order for this restaurant.' => ' If this status is turned on the customer is able to place a scheduled order for this restaurant.',
'When this option is enabled, restaurants need to deliver orders by themselves or by their own delivery man. Restaurants will also get an option for adding their own delivery man from the restaurant panel.' => 'When this option is enabled restaurants need to deliver orders by themselves or by their own delivery man. Restaurants will also get an option for adding their own delivery man from the restaurant panel.',
' If this option is on, customers will get free delivery for this restaurant. ' => ' If this option is on customers will get free delivery for this restaurant. ',
'If this option is active, customers can place orders for home delivery.' => 'If this option is active customers can place orders for home delivery.',
'By disabling this option, customers can"t place self-pickup / take-away orders.' => 'By disabling this option customers can t place self-pickup / take-away orders.',
'By disabling this option, customers can\'t place self-pickup / take-away orders.' => 'By disabling this option customers can t place self-pickup / take-away orders.',
'By disabling this field, the restaurant can\'t manage foods, which means
the restaurant web panel/ app won\'t get the access for managing foods.
' => 'By disabling this field the restaurant can t manage foods which means
the restaurant web panel/ app won t get the access for managing foods.
'If this status is turned on, the customer is able to place a scheduled order' => 'If this status is turned on the customer is able to place a scheduled order',
': If this option is active, customers can place orders for home delivery.' => ': If this option is active customers can place orders for home delivery.',
'If this option is on, customers will get free delivery' => 'If this option is on customers will get free delivery',
'By disabling this option, customers cannot place self-pickup / take-away orders' => 'By disabling this option customers cannot place self-pickup / take-away orders',
'If this button is on , it will be show in veg restaurant list in user app.' => 'If this button is on it will be show in veg restaurant list in user app.',
'If this button is on , it will be show in non veg restaurant list in user app.' => 'If this button is on it will be show in non veg restaurant list in user app.',
'If this button is on , it will be show in non-veg restaurant list in user app.' => 'If this button is on it will be show in non-veg restaurant list in user app.',
'Select Restaurant' => 'Select Restaurant',
' If the order amount exceeds this amount the delivery fee will be free and the delivery fee will be deducted from the admin’s commission.' => ' If the order amount exceeds this amount the delivery fee will be free and the delivery fee will be deducted from the admin’s commission.',
'If the cash in hand for a delivery man exceeds this amount the delivery man cannot accept new orders before depositing the amount to admin.' => 'If the cash in hand for a delivery man exceeds this amount the delivery man cannot accept new orders before depositing the amount to admin.',
'All Zones' => 'All Zones',
'Delivery Infomation' => 'Delivery Infomation',
'Payment Method' => 'Payment Method',
'Cash On Delivery' => 'Cash On Delivery',
'Food Section' => 'Food Section',
'Cash On Deliver' => 'Cash On Deliver',
'Change Amount' => 'Change Amount',
'please_select_a_valid_delivery_location_on_the_map' => 'Please select a valid delivery location on the map!',
'Denied' => 'Denied',
'Time Schedule' => 'Time Schedule',
'Select Category' => 'Select Category',
'Select Sub Category' => 'Select Sub Category',
'No payment method selected' => 'No payment method selected',
'Default login password: ' => 'Default login password: ',
'Gst No' => 'Gst No',
'Active Orders' => 'Active Orders',
'Delivery Man Information' => 'Delivery Man Information',
'Join Campaign' => 'Join Campaign',
'Campaign' => 'Campaign',
'Campaign List' => 'Campaign List',
'Food Campaign List' => 'Food Campaign List',
'Ready For Delivery' => 'Ready For Delivery',
'Food On The Way' => 'Food On The Way',
'Delivered' => 'Delivered',
'Refunded' => 'Refunded',
'Food' => 'Food',
'Add New Food' => 'Add New Food',
'Food List' => 'Food List',
'My Resturant' => 'My Resturant',
'total_users' => 'Total users',
'Leave Campaign' => 'Leave Campaign',
'food_campaign' => 'food campaign',
'view_restaurant' => 'view restaurant',
'Food Image' => 'Food Image',
'add_new_deliveryman' => 'Add New Deliveryman',
'general_info' => 'General Info',
'delivery_man_image' => 'Delivery Man Image',
'account_info' => 'account info',
'no_customer_selected' => 'No customer selected!',
'delivery_information_warning' => 'Please add delivery information!',
'show_data_by_date_range' => 'Show data data by date range',
'delivery_fee_earned' => 'Delivery fee earned',
'amount_received_by' => 'amount received by',
'in_progress' => 'In Progress',
'place_order' => 'Place order',
'firebase_credentials' => 'firebase credentials',
'FCM Project ID' => 'FCM Project ID',
'auth_domain' => 'auth domain',
'storage_bucket' => 'storage bucket',
'messaging_sender_id' => 'messaging sender id',
'app_id' => 'app id',
'measurement_id' => 'measurement id',
'Account not found' => 'Account not found',
'withdraw_request_date' => 'Withdraw Request Date',
'Want To Login Your Restaurants' => 'Want To Login Your Restaurants',
'Restaurant Login' => 'Restaurant Login',
'Restaurant Employee ' => 'Restaurant Employee ',
'Login as Restaurant Employee' => 'Login as Restaurant Employee',
'All' => 'All',
'This month' => 'This month',
'Want to update admin info ?' => 'Want to update admin info ',
'Ex : Search Food Name' => 'Ex : Search Food Name',
'Item' => 'Item',
'Qty' => 'Qty',
'Delete' => 'Delete',
'Update tax' => 'Update tax',
'Proceed, If thermal printer is ready.' => 'Proceed If thermal printer is ready.',
'QTY' => 'QTY',
'Variation' => 'Variation',
'Subtotal' => 'Subtotal',
'Coupon Discount' => 'Coupon Discount',
'Promotions' => 'Promotions',
'Employees' => 'Employees',
'Ex: Search by name...' => 'Ex: Search by name...',
'Add new campaign' => 'Add new campaign',
'Campaign updated successfully!' => 'Campaign updated successfully!',
'Banner' => 'Banner',
'Ex : Search by title ...' => 'Ex : Search by title ...',
'Banner uploaded successfully!' => 'Banner uploaded successfully!',
'Want to delete this banner?' => 'Want to delete this banner ',
'Want to delete this banner' => 'Want to delete this banner',
'Ex: Notification Title' => 'Ex: Notification Title',
'Ex : Notification Descriptions ' => 'Ex : Notification Descriptions ',
'Search by title' => 'Search by title',
'Change status to pending ?' => 'Change status to pending ',
'Change status to confirmed ?' => 'Change status to confirmed ',
'Change status to processing ?' => 'Change status to processing ',
'Change status to handover ?' => 'Change status to handover ',
'Change status to out for delivery ?' => 'Change status to out for delivery ',
'Change status to delivered (payment status will be paid if not)?' => 'Change status to delivered (payment status will be paid if not) ',
'Change status to canceled ?' => 'Change status to canceled ',
'Only available when order is out for delivery!' => 'Only available when order is out for delivery!',
'Add new zone' => 'Add new zone',
'All the restaurants & delivery men under this zone will not be shown in the website or app' => 'All the restaurants & delivery men under this zone will not be shown in the website or app',
'Vendor List' => 'Vendor List',
'Ex : search by Restaurant name of Phone number' => 'Ex : search by Restaurant name of Phone number',
'discounts' => 'discounts',
'validation.max.string' => 'validation.max.string',
'Import Foods File' => 'Import Foods File',
'Select Preferences' => 'Select Preferences',
'Employee Management' => 'Employee Management',
'New message arrived' => 'New message arrived',
'SMS Module Setup' => 'SMS Module Setup',
'NB : #OTP# will be replace with otp' => 'NB : #OTP# will be replace with otp',
'Ex: ACbf855229b8b2e5d02cad58e116365164' => 'Ex: ACbf855229b8b2e5d02cad58e116365164',
'Ex: +91-46482373636' => 'Ex: +91-46482373636',
'Ex : Your OTP is #otp#' => 'Ex : Your OTP is #otp#',
'Ex :5923ec0959' => 'Ex :5923ec0959',
'Ex : RYysbkdscnUIizx' => 'Ex : RYysbkdscnUIizx',
'Ex : +91-37384748392' => 'Ex : +91-37384748392',
'EX of SMS provider`s template : your OTP is XXXX here, please check.' => 'EX of SMS provider`s template : your OTP is XXXX here please check.',
'NB : XXXX will be replace with otp' => 'NB : XXXX will be replace with otp',
'Ex :ACbf855229b8b2e5d02cad58e116365164 ' => 'Ex :ACbf855229b8b2e5d02cad58e116365164 ',
'NB : Keep an OTP variable in your SMS providers OTP Template.' => 'NB : Keep an OTP variable in your SMS providers OTP Template.',
'FCM Settings' => 'FCM Settings',
'Ex : Project Id' => 'Ex : Project Id',
'Ex : Api key' => 'Ex : Api key',
'Ex : Auth domain' => 'Ex : Auth domain',
'Ex : Storeage bucket' => 'Ex : Storeage bucket',
'Ex : Messaging sender id' => 'Ex : Messaging sender id',
'Ex : App Id' => 'Ex : App Id',
'Ex : Measurement Id' => 'Ex : Measurement Id',
'Ex : Your order is successfully placed' => 'Ex : Your order is successfully placed',
'Ex : Your order is confirmed' => 'Ex : Your order is confirmed',
'Ex : Your order is started for cooking' => 'Ex : Your order is started for cooking',
'Ex : Delivery man is on the way' => 'Ex : Delivery man is on the way',
'Ex : Your food is ready for delivery' => 'Ex : Your food is ready for delivery',
'Ex : Your order is delivered' => 'Ex : Your order is delivered',
'Your order has been assigned to a delivery man' => 'Your order has been assigned to a delivery man',
'Ex : Order delivered successfully' => 'Ex : Order delivered successfully',
'Ex : Order is canceled by your request' => 'Ex : Order is canceled by your request',
'Ex : Thank you for your refund request' => 'Ex : Thank you for your refund request',
'Deliveryman Payments' => 'Deliveryman Payments',
'Provide Delivery Man Earning' => 'Provide Delivery Man Earning',
'Ex : 100' => 'Ex : 100',
'Ex : Cash' => 'Ex : Cash',
'Ex : Collect Cash' => 'Ex : Collect Cash',
'Ex: Search here by Name...' => 'Ex: Search here by Name...',
'Delivery Man Payments' => 'Delivery Man Payments',
'Settings' => 'Settings',
'Ex: Jhone' => 'Ex: Jhone',
'Ex: +3264124565' => 'Ex: +3264124565',
'Ex: 4th' => 'Ex: 4th',
'Ex: 45/C' => 'Ex: 45/C',
'Ex: 1A' => 'Ex: 1A',
'Ex: address' => 'Ex: address',
'Sorry, the minimum value was reached' => 'Sorry the minimum value was reached',
'Sorry, stock limit exceeded.' => 'Sorry stock limit exceeded.',
'Please choose all the options' => 'Please choose all the options',
'Create Schedule' => 'Create Schedule',
'Want to delete this item ?' => 'Want to delete this item ',
'No data to show' => 'No data to show',
'Food removed!' => 'Food removed!',
'Ex : New ' => 'Ex : New ',
'Want to delete this ?' => 'Want to delete this ',
'role' => 'role',
'Employee Add' => 'Employee Add',
'Add New Employee' => 'Add New Employee',
'Ex : Sakeef Ameer' => 'Ex : Sakeef Ameer',
'Ex : Prodhan' => 'Ex : Prodhan',
'Ex : +88017********' => 'Ex : +88017********',
'Ratio (1:1)' => 'Ratio (1:1)',
'Ex :' => 'Ex :',
'mailer_name' => 'mailer name',
'email_id' => 'email ID',
'4. After uploading foods you need to edit them and set image and variations.' => '4. After uploading foods you need to edit them and set image and variations.',
'5. You can get restaurant id from their list, please input the right ids.' => '5. You can get restaurant id from their list please input the right ids.',
'6. You can upload your product images in product folder from gallery, and copy image`s path.' => '6. You can upload your product images in product folder from gallery and copy image`s path.',
'7. For veg food enter 1 and for non-veg enter 0 on veg field.' => '7. For veg food enter 1 and for non-veg enter 0 on veg field.',
'Restaurant Bulk Import' => 'Restaurant Bulk Import',
'3. Once you have downloaded and filled the format file, upload it in the form below and
submit.Make sure the phone numbers and email addresses are unique.' => '3. Once you have downloaded and filled the format file upload it in the form below and
submit.Make sure the phone numbers and email addresses are unique.',
'4. After uploading restaurants you need to edit them and set restaurants`s logo and cover.' => '4. After uploading restaurants you need to edit them and set restaurants`s logo and cover.',
'5. You can get category and zone id from their list, please input the right ids.' => '5. You can get category and zone id from their list please input the right ids.',
'6. You can upload your restaurant images in restaurant folder from gallery, and copy image`s path.' => '6. You can upload your restaurant images in restaurant folder from gallery and copy image`s path.',
'7. Default password for restaurant is 12345678.' => '7. Default password for restaurant is 12345678.',
'Restaurant Bulk Export' => 'Restaurant Bulk Export',
'Restaurants Bulk Export' => 'Restaurants Bulk Export',
'Select Data' => 'Select Data',
'4. After uploading categories you need to edit them and set category`s images.' => '4. After uploading categories you need to edit them and set category`s images.',
'5. For parent category "position" will 0 and for sub category it will be 1.' => '5. For parent category position will 0 and for sub category it will be 1.',
'6. By default status will be 1, please input the right ids.' => '6. By default status will be 1 please input the right ids.',
'7. For a category parent_id will be empty, for sub category it will be the category id.' => '7. For a category parent id will be empty for sub category it will be the category id.',
'AddOn Bulk Import' => 'AddOn Bulk Import',
'Addon Bulk Export' => 'Addon Bulk Export',
'Login as Restaurant Owner?' => 'Login as Restaurant Owner ',
'Or' => 'Or',
'Do you want to logout?' => 'Do you want to logout ',
'don`t_logout' => 'don`t logout',
'Ok' => 'Ok',
'Ex :' => 'Ex :',
'Add new coupon' => 'Add new coupon',
'Want to delete this coupon ?' => 'Want to delete this coupon ',
'Campaign uploaded successfully!' => 'Campaign uploaded successfully!',
'Search by title or code' => 'Search by title or code',
'Want to delete this notification ?' => 'Want to delete this notification ',
'You want to sent notification?' => 'You want to sent notification ',
'Notifiction sent successfully!' => 'Notifiction sent successfully!',
'send_to' => 'send to',
'Search by name or restaurant...' => 'Search by name or restaurant...',
'Total Orders' => 'Total Orders',
'Currenty Assigned Orders' => 'Currenty Assigned Orders',
'Active Status' => 'Active Status',
'Want to remove this deliveryman ?' => 'Want to remove this deliveryman ',
'search_by_order_id' => 'Search by Order Id',
'abc area' => 'abc area',
'Categories Bulk Import' => 'Categories Bulk Import',
'Show Data' => 'Show Data',
'Day Wise Transaction Table' => 'Day Wise Transaction Table',
'Search by Order ID' => 'Search by Order ID',
'Top Header Title' => 'Top Header Title',
'Ex: Stackfood App' => 'Ex: Stackfood App',
'Sub Title 1' => 'Sub Title 1',
'Ex: 10% off !' => 'Ex: 10% off !',
'Sub Title 2' => 'Sub Title 2',
'Ex: Why stay hungry when you can order from StackFood' => 'Ex: Why stay hungry when you can order from StackFood',
'About Section Title' => 'About Section Title',
'Ex: StackFood is Best Delivery Service Near You' => 'Ex: StackFood is Best Delivery Service Near You',
'Feature section description' => 'Feature section description',
'Mobile App Section Title' => 'Mobile App Section Title',
'Mobile App Section Short Description' => 'Mobile App Section Short Description',
'Mobile App Section Text' => 'Mobile App Section Text',
'Why Choose Us Section Title' => 'Why Choose Us Section Title',
'Ex: Why choose us' => 'Ex: Why choose us',
'Why Choose Us Short Description' => 'Why Choose Us Short Description',
'Ex: description' => 'Ex: description',
'Testimonial Section Title' => 'Testimonial Section Title',
'Ex : Search by Title name' => 'Ex : Search by Title name',
'Ex : Search by category name...' => 'Ex : Search by category name...',
'Search Menu...' => 'Search Menu...',
'ABC Company' => 'ABC Company',
'House#94, Road#8, Abc City' => 'House#94 Road#8 Abc City',
'5+ Character' => '5+ Character',
'Ex: Joe' => 'Ex: Joe',
'Ex :' => 'Ex :',
'Ex: XYZ Zone' => 'Ex: XYZ Zone',
'100x100' => '100x100',
'Ex : DH-23434-LS' => 'Ex : DH-23434-LS',
'Ex : 017********' => 'Ex : 017********',
'Ex: 5+ Character' => 'Ex: 5+ Character',
'Show Data by Date range' => 'Show Data by Date range',
'Search by Reference' => 'Search by Reference',
'Withdraw Request Table' => 'Withdraw Request Table',
'dont_logout' => 'dont logout',
'Search by name...' => 'Search by name...',
'Search your order...' => 'Search your order...',
'Previoeweus order' => 'Previoeweus order',
'Next order' => 'Next order',
'Ex: John' => 'Ex: John',
'Ex: Doe' => 'Ex: Doe',
'Ex : +8801******' => 'Ex : +8801******',
'Ratio 1:1' => 'Ratio 1:1',
'Review List' => 'Review List',
'Ex: Search by name, email or phone...' => 'Ex: Search by name, email or phone...',
'Ex: Search for emails' => 'Ex: Search for emails',
'Ex : Search by Restaurant name of Phone number' => 'Ex : Search by Restaurant name of Phone number',
'Ex: Attribute Name' => 'Ex: Attribute Name',
'Want to delete this attribute ?' => 'Want to delete this attribute ?',
'Water' => 'Water',
'Ex: Sub Category Name' => 'Ex: Sub Category Name',
'Ex : Sub Categories' => 'Ex : Sub Categories',
'Want to delete this category' => 'Want to delete this category',
'Customer Details' => 'Customer Details',
'Ex: Search Here by ID...' => 'Ex: Search Here by ID...',
'Food Preview' => 'Food Preview',
'Excellent' => 'Excellent',
'Good' => 'Good',
'Average' => 'Average',
'Below Average' => 'Below Average',
'Poor' => 'Poor',
'Ex: Category Name' => 'Ex: Category Name',
'Ex : Categories' => 'Ex : Categories',
'Food Bulk Export' => 'Food Bulk Export',
'Messages' => 'Messages',
'Search by name or email' => 'Search by name or email',
'Employee Name' => 'Employee Name',
'Select Social Media' => 'Select Social Media',
'Payment Setup' => 'Payment Setup',
'Ex: Jhone Dhoe' => 'Ex: Jhone Dhoe',
'Ex: Frontend Web Developer' => 'Ex: Frontend Web Developer',
'Ex: Feature title' => 'Ex: Feature title',
'140 X 140 px' => '140 X 140 px',
'Change Image' => 'Change Image',
'Gallery' => 'Gallery',
'Add New' => 'Add New',
'File path copied successfully!' => 'File path copied successfully!',
'Back' => 'Back',
'Withdraw information View' => 'Withdraw information View',
'Vendor Withdraw Information' => 'Vendor Withdraw Information',
'Note' => 'Note',
'Withdraw request process' => 'Withdraw request process',
'Ex: Feature description' => 'Ex: Feature description',
'Ex : Search by sub categories...' => 'Ex : Search by sub categories...',
'5. You can get category id from their list, please input the right ids.' => '5. You can get category id from their list, please input the right ids.',
'6. Don`t forget to fill all the fields' => '6. Don`t forget to fill all the fields',
'Ex : New Food' => 'Ex : New Food',
'Ex : Description' => 'Ex : Description',
'Ex : 10:30 am' => 'Ex : 10:30 am',
'5:45 pm' => '5:45 pm',
'Restaurant Setup' => 'Restaurant Setup',
'General' => 'General',
'Edit Restaurant Information' => 'Edit Restaurant Information',
'Ex : Restaurant Name' => 'Ex : Restaurant Name',
'Ex : +880 123456789' => 'Ex : +880 123456789',
'Ex : House-45, Road-08, Sector-12, Mirupara, Test City' => 'Ex : House-45 Road-08 Sector-12 Mirupara Test City',
'Upload Restaurant Logo' => 'Upload Restaurant Logo',
'Delete Bank Info ?' => 'Delete Bank Info ',
'Ex : Search by Order Id' => 'Ex : Search by Order Id',
'Want to remove discount?' => 'Want to remove discount ',
'Restaurant Type' => 'Restaurant Type',
'Employee List' => 'Employee List',
'Ex : Search by Employee Name, Email or Phone No' => 'Ex : Search by Employee Name Email or Phone No',
'Edit Info' => 'Edit Info',
'Credentials does not match.' => 'Credentials does not match.',
'cash on delivery' => 'cash on delivery',
'Order Type' => 'Order Type',
'Payment Status' => 'Payment Status',
'Enter order verification code' => 'Enter order verification code',
'Ex : New Addon ' => 'Ex : New Addon ',
'Ex : 100.00' => 'Ex : 100.00',
'Ex : Search by Addon Name or Restaurant Name' => 'Ex : Search by Addon Name or Restaurant Name',
'Want to delete this addon ?' => 'Want to delete this addon ',
'Create Role' => 'Create Role',
'Store' => 'Store',
'Search by Role Name' => 'Search by Role Name',
'Search by food name, name or phone...' => 'Search by food name name or phone...',
'Previous order' => 'Previous order',
'all_right_reserved' => 'All rights reserved.',
'call_us' => 'Call Us',
'mail_us' => 'Mail Us',
'find_us' => 'Find Us',
'Refund Request' => 'Refund Request',
'The email has already been taken.' => 'The email has already been taken.',
'The phone has already been taken.' => 'The phone has already been taken.',
'Cancel this refund request' => 'Cancel this refund request',
'Are you sure you want to cancel this refund request?' => 'Are you sure you want to cancel this refund request ',
'food on the way' => 'food on the way',
'Canceled Refund' => 'Canceled Refund',
'refund request canceleded' => 'refund request canceleded',
'refund request canceled' => 'refund request canceled',
'Customer can Request for Refund if "Yes" is chosen .' => 'Customer can Request for Refund if Yes is chosen .',
'refund_is_not_active' => 'Refund is not active',
'refund_settings' => 'Refund settings',
'Add a Refund Reason' => 'Add a Refund Reason',
'Order Refund' => 'Order Refund',
'Order Refunds' => 'Order Refunds',
'Approved Refunds' => 'Approved Refunds',
'Rejected Refunds' => 'Rejected Refunds',
'Refund Requests' => 'Refund Requests',
'Refund requested' => 'Refund Requested',
'refund approved' => 'refund Approved',
'requested refunds ' => 'Requested Refunds ',
'Mode' => 'Mode',
'*By Turning ON Refund Mode, Customers Can Sent Refund Requests' => '*By Turning ON Refund Mode Customers Can Sent Refund Requests',
'Refund Settings' => 'Refund Settings',
'requested' => 'Requested',
'rejected' => 'Rejected',
'Add new food' => 'Add new food',
'Add New Refund Reason' => 'Add New Refund Reason',
'New Refund Reason' => 'New Refund Reason',
'Add Now' => 'Add Now',
'The reason field is required.' => 'The reason field is required.',
'Refund Reason Added Successfully' => 'Reason Added Successfully',
'Want to delete this refund reason ?' => 'Want to delete this refund reason ',
'Refund Reason Deleted Successfully' => 'Refund Reason Deleted Successfully',
'Refund Reason List' => 'Refund Reason List',
'The reason must not be greater than 191 characters.' => 'The reason must not be greater than 191 characters.',
'Your Refund Request has been Rejected.' => 'Your Refund Request has been Rejected.',
'Update restaurant info' => 'Update restaurant info',
'The minimum delivery time format is invalid.' => 'The minimum delivery time format is invalid.',
'The minimum delivery time must be at least 2 characters.' => 'The minimum delivery time must be at least 2 characters.',
'Update product' => 'Update product',
'product updated successfully!' => 'product updated successfully!',
'Update delivery-man' => 'Update delivery-man',
'general' => 'general',
'Previous customer' => 'Previous customer',
'Next customer' => 'Next customer',
'Wallet refund is not active.Plase active it from customer setting' => 'Wallet refund is not active.Plase active it from customer setting',
'Refunded amount added to customer wallet' => 'Refunded amount added to customer wallet',
'requested refunds' => 'requested refunds',
'Refund Reason' => 'Refund Reason',
'Customer Note' => 'Customer Note',
'Admin Note' => 'Admin Note',
'Refund Amount' => 'Refund Amount',
'Refund Status' => 'Refund Status',
'Refund Method' => 'Refund Method',
'Refund Requested on' => 'Refund Requested on',
'Order Rejection' => 'Order Rejection',
'Confirm' => 'Confirm',
'Refund Rejection Successfully' => 'Refund Rejection Successfully',
'Refund Rejected' => 'Refund Rejected',
'Edit Role' => 'Edit Role',
'Add Bank Info' => 'Add Bank Info',
'Please Add Bank Information' => 'Please Add Bank Information',
'Ex : Confirm Password' => 'Ex : Confirm Password',
'3. Once you have downloaded and filled the format file, upload it in the form below and
submit.' => '3. Once you have downloaded and filled the format file upload it in the form below and
'Subscription Settings' => 'Subscription Settings',
'Mobile App Charge' => 'Mobile App Charge',
'Restaurant List' => 'Restaurant List',
'Campaign created successfully!' => 'Campaign created successfully!',
'Create Total Max Order' => 'Create Total Max Order',
'Max oeder' => 'Max oeder',
messages.Create Schedule For ' => '
messages.Create Schedule For ',
'Max order' => 'Max order',
// messages.Create Schedule For ' => '
// messages.Create Schedule For ',
'Max Order Packae' => 'Max Order Packae',
// messages.Create Schedule For ' => '
// messages.Create Schedule For ',
'You want to remove this Max Order package' => 'You want to remove this Max Order package',
'data.error' => 'data.error',
'data.errors' => 'data.errors',
'Data removed successfully' => 'Data removed successfully',
'Max Order Package' => 'Max Order Package',
'Add new Max Order Package' => 'Add new Max Order Package',
0 => '
// messages.Create Schedule For ',
'Subscription Plan Updated Successfully' => 'Subscription Plan Updated Successfully',
'subscription' => 'Subscription',
'validity' => 'validity',
'Subscription' => 'Subscription',
'month' => 'month',
'My Subscriptions' => 'My Subscriptions',
'Subscription List' => 'Subscription List',
'Search by Transaction ID...' => 'Search by Transaction ID...',
'The pos system field is required.' => 'The pos system field is required.',
'Max Order is required' => 'Max Order is required',
'Price is required' => 'Price is required',
'Pos Price is required' => 'Pos Price is required',
'Mobile App Price is required' => 'Mobile App Price is required',
'Self Delivery Price is required' => 'Self Delivery Price is required',
'Must enter a validity date in Month' => 'Must enter a validity date in Month',
'Deactive' => 'Deactive',
'Mobile App' => 'Mobile App',
'Create New Subscription Package' => 'Create New Subscription Package',
'Package Name' => 'Package Name',
'Select Features' => 'Select Features',
'Set Limits on' => 'Set Limits on',
'Unlimited' => 'Unlimited',
'Max Order Limit' => 'Max Order Limit',
'Max product Limit' => 'Max product Limit',
'Create New Subscription Package Name' => 'Create New Subscription Package Name',
'Subscription Package Price' => 'Subscription Package Price',
'Package price' => 'Package price',
'Subscription Package Validity' => 'Subscription Package Validity',
'Days' => 'Days',
'Package Validity' => 'Package Validity',
'Leave it empty for Unlimited' => 'Leave it empty for Unlimited',
'Leave it empty for Unlimited Orders' => 'Leave it empty for Unlimited Orders',
'Leave it empty for Unlimited Products' => 'Leave it empty for Unlimited Products',
'Package' => 'Package',
'Plane' => 'Plane',
'Subscribers' => 'Subscribers',
'Must enter Price for the Package' => 'Must enter Price for the Package',
'Name of the Package is required' => 'Name of the Package is required',
'Must enter a validity period for the Package in days' => 'Must enter a validity period for the Package in days',
'Subscription Plan Added Successfully' => 'Subscription Plan Added Successfully',
'The package price must be an integer.' => 'The package price must be an integer.',
'Package list' => 'Package list',
'Do You Want To Disable This Package' => 'Do You Want To Disable This Package',
'Do you want to Active This Package' => 'Do you want to Active This Package',
'Update Package' => 'Update Package',
'The max product must be an integer.' => 'The max product must be an integer.',
'days' => 'days',
'Sold' => 'Sold',
'package' => 'package',
'Expired' => 'Expired',
'with renew price' => 'with renew price',
'Remaining' => 'Remaining',
'Subscribed Restaurants List' => 'Subscribed Restaurants List',
'Subscribed' => 'Subscribed',
'Unsubscribed' => 'Unsubscribed',
'Exp Date' => 'Exp Date',
'Expiring Soon' => 'Expiring Soon',
'Total Subscription Sold' => 'Total Subscription Sold',
'Restaurant Business Model' => 'Restaurant Business Model',
'Commission' => 'Commission',
'This option will changes the Business Model to Subacription Package Based Model or Commission on Per Order Model or Both' => 'This option will changes the Business Model to Subacription Package Based Model or Commission on Per Order Model or Both',
'Food status updated!' => 'Food status updated!',
'you_are_not_subscribed_to_any_package' => 'you are not subscribed to any package',
'Upgrade or Renew' => 'Upgrade or Renew',
'Products' => 'Products',
'Storage' => 'Storage',
'Duration' => 'Duration',
'Description' => 'Description',
'Current Package' => 'Current Package',
'Package Type' => 'Package Type',
'Order' => 'Order',
'unlimited' => 'Unlimited',
'remaining' => 'remaining',
'Uploads' => 'Uploads',
'Upload' => 'Upload',
'Ex : search by Transcation Id' => 'Ex : search by Transcation Id',
'messages].Package Validity' => 'messages].Package Validity',
'Created' => 'Created',
'you want to ' => 'you want to ',
'You want to Upgrade or Renew the Plan fro' => 'You want to Upgrade or Renew the Plan fro',
'You want to Upgrade or Renew the Plan for' => 'You want to Upgrade or Renew the Plan for',
'You want to Cancel the Plan for' => 'You want to Cancel the Plan for',
'Cancel Subscription' => 'Cancel Subscription',
'You want to Change Subscription Plan' => 'You want to Change Subscription Plan',
'Change Subscription Plan' => 'Change Subscription Plan',
'Subscription Canceled' => 'Subscription Canceled',
'Package Expired' => 'Package Expired',
'Product' => 'Product',
'Places' => 'Places',
'Review' => 'Review',
'Selection' => 'Selection',
'You want to Assign a Subscription Plan to' => 'You want to Assign a Subscription Plan to',
'Assign a Subscription Plan' => 'Assign a Subscription Plan',
'You want to Assign Subscription Plan to' => 'You want to Assign Subscription Plan to',
'Assign Subscription Plan' => 'Assign Subscription Plan',
'Get Started' => 'Get Started',
'Renew Now' => 'Renew Now',
'You want to select This Package' => 'You want to select This Package',
'Package Subscribtion Confirmation' => 'Package Subscribtion Confirmation',
'Restaurant Wallet' => 'Restaurant Wallet',
'Others' => 'Others',
'Purches Status: Subscribed.' => 'Purches Status: Subscribed.',
'Thank You for transcation with' => 'Thank You for transcation with',
'Transcation ID' => 'Transcation ID',
'Transcation Date' => 'Transcation Date',
'Total Paid' => 'Total Paid',
'If you require any assistance or have feedback or suggestions about our site, you can contact us.' => 'If you require any assistance or have feedback or suggestions about our site you can contact us.',
'Renewed' => 'Renewed',
'Ex: Search by Transcation id...' => 'Ex: Search by Transcation id...',
'Ex: Search by name' => 'Ex: Search by name',
'Subscription Packages' => 'Subscription Packages',
'My' => 'My',
'Add New Subscription Plan' => 'Add New Subscription Plan',
'Add New Subscription Package' => 'Add New Subscription Package',
'You want to Change Subscription Package' => 'You want to Change Subscription Package',
'Packages' => 'Packages',
'You want to Add New Subscription Package' => 'You want to Add New Subscription Package',
'created' => 'created',
'Copied to the clipboard' => 'Copied to the clipboard',
'you_have_reached_the_maximum_limit_of_food' => 'you have reached the maximum limit of food',
'React Landing Page' => 'React Landing Page',
'Header Section Banner' => 'Header Section Banner',
'Landing page header banner updated' => 'Landing page header banner updated',
'React Landing Page Images' => 'React Landing Page Images',
'Banner Title' => 'Banner Title',
'Ex: Banner title' => 'Ex: Banner title',
'Banner Sub Title' => 'Banner Sub Title',
'Ex: Banner sub title' => 'Ex: Banner sub title',
'Full Banner' => 'Full Banner',
'1352 X 250 px' => '1352 X 250 px',
'React Landing Page Banner Images' => 'React Landing Page Banner Images',
'Full Banner Image' => 'Full Banner Image',
'Banner 1' => 'Banner 1',
'Banner-1 Title' => 'Banner-1 Title',
'Ex: Banner-1 title' => 'Ex: Banner-1 title',
'Banner-1 Sub Title' => 'Banner-1 Sub Title',
'Ex: Banner-1 sub title' => 'Ex: Banner-1 sub title',
'Banner-1 Image' => 'Banner-1 Image',
'668 X 250 px' => '668 X 250 px',
'Banner 2' => 'Banner 2',
'Banner-2 Title' => 'Banner-2 Title',
'Ex: Banner-2 title' => 'Ex: Banner-2 title',
'Banner-2 Sub Title' => 'Banner-2 Sub Title',
'Ex: Banner-2 sub title' => 'Ex: Banner-2 sub title',
'landing_page_banner_section_1_updated' => 'landing page banner section 1 updated',
'landing_page_banner_section_updated' => 'landing page banner section updated',
'landing_page_banner_section_2_updated' => 'landing page banner section 2 updated',
'App Section Image' => 'App Section Image',
'App section image updated' => 'App section image updated',
'Footer Logo' => 'Footer Logo',
'Footer logo updated' => 'Footer logo updated',
'Main Banner' => 'Main Banner',
'Other Banner Images' => 'Other Banner Images',
'Banner Image' => 'Banner Image',
'React Landing Page Features' => 'React Landing Page Features',
'react_feature' => 'React feature',
'Half Banner Images' => 'Half Banner Images',
'Page Expired' => 'Page Expired',
'No Package Found' => 'No Package Found',
'Campaign view' => 'Campaign view',
'Discount Banner Title' => 'Discount Banner Title',
'Ex:Discount banner title' => 'Ex:Discount banner title',
'Discount Banner Sub Title' => 'Discount Banner Sub Title',
'Ex:Discount banner ub title' => 'Ex:Discount banner ub title',
'Discount Banner Image' => 'Discount Banner Image',
'React Landing Page Discount Banner Image' => 'React Landing Page Discount Banner Image',
'Discount Banner' => 'Discount Banner',
'Ex:Discount banner sub title' => 'Ex:Discount banner sub title',
'landing_page_discount_banner_section_updated' => 'landing page discount banner section updated',
'Ex: Discount banner title' => 'Ex: Discount banner title',
'Ex: Discount banner sub title' => 'Ex: Discount banner sub title',
'React Landing Page Main Banner Image' => 'React Landing Page Main Banner Image',
'Refund' => 'Refund',
'Rejected' => 'Rejected',
'refund requested' => 'refund requested',
'SL' => 'SL',
'Reason' => 'Reason',
'Refund Reason Updated Successfully' => 'Refund Reason Updated Successfully',
'min_delivery_time' => 'min delivery time',
'max_delivery_time' => 'max delivery time',
'Business Plan' => 'Business Plan',
'Complete' => 'Complete',
'Congratulations!' => 'Congratulations!',
'Your Registration Has been Completed Successfully.' => 'Your Registration Has been Completed Successfully.',
'Change / Renew Subscription Plan' => 'Change / Renew Subscription Plan',
'Billing' => 'Billing',
'Subscription Plan' => 'Subscription Plan',
'Transaction Date' => 'Transaction Date',
'Pricing' => 'Pricing',
'$99' => '$99',
'paid by' => 'Paid By',
'show data' => 'Show Data',
'Renew Subscription Plan' => 'Renew Subscription Plan',
'Start Date' => 'Start Date',
'End Date' => 'End Date',
'Create Subscription Package' => 'Create Subscription Package',
'first_step_successfully_done' => 'first step successfully done',
'play_now' => 'Pay now',
'restaurant_registration_application' => 'Restaurant Registration Application',
'business_plans' => 'Business Plans',
'comission_base' => 'Comission Base',
'restaurant_will_pay' => 'Restaurant will pay',
'commission_to' => 'commission to',
'from_each_order_You_will_get_access_of_all_the_features_and_options_in_restaurant_panel_,_app_and_interaction_with_user.' => 'from each order. You will get access of all the features and options in restaurant panel , app and interaction with user.',
'subscription_base' => 'Subscription Base',
'Run restaurant by puchasing subsciption packages. You will have access the features of in restaurant panel , app and interaction with user according to the subscription packages.
' => 'Run restaurant by puchasing subsciption packages. You will have access the features of in restaurant panel app and interaction with user according to the subscription packages.
'choose_subscription_package' => 'Choose Subscription Package',
'mobile_app' => 'Mobile App',
'chatting_options' => 'Chatting Options',
'review_section' => 'Review Section',
'uploads' => 'Uploads',
'no_package_found' => 'No Package Found',
'general_information' => 'General Information',
'business_plan' => 'Business Plan',
'Your_registration_has_been_completed_successfully.' => 'Your registration has been completed successfully.',
'admin_will_confirm_your_registration_request_/_provide_review_within.' => 'Admin will confirm your registration request / provide review within.',
'48_hour' => '48 hour',
'payments' => 'Payments',
'pay_now' => 'Pay now',
'pay_you_subcription_charge_online' => 'Pay you subcription charge online',
'7_days_free_trial' => '7 days free trial',
'enjoy_7_days_free_trial_and_pay_your_sibcription_fee_within_these_trial_period.' => 'Enjoy 7 days free trial and pay your sibcription fee within these trial period.',
'The coordinates field is required.' => 'The coordinates field is required.',
'subscription_details' => 'Subscription Details',
'expire_date' => 'Expire Date',
'Total_bill' => 'Total Bill',
'Most_popular_plan_for_small_business_or_startup' => 'Most popular plan for small business or startup',
'attention' => 'Attention !!!',
'Your_Subcription_Tiral_Preiod_is_Ending_Soon._Please_Renew_Before' => 'Your Subcription Tiral Preiod is Ending Soon. Please Renew Before',
'Otherwise_All_Your_Activities_will_Turn_Off_Automatically_After_That.' => 'Otherwise All Your Activities will Turn Off Automatically After That.',
'You want to Upgrade or Renew the Package' => 'You want to Upgrade or Renew the Package',
'shift_in_this_plan' => 'Shift in this Package',
'Renew' => 'Renew',
'bill_status' => 'Bill status',
'migrate_to_new_plan' => 'Migrate to new Package',
'renew' => 'Renew',
'online_payment' => 'Online Payment',
'pay_with_online_payment_gateway' => 'Pay with online payment gateway',
'pay_from_restaurant_wallet' => 'Pay from restaurant wallet',
'payable_amount_in_your_wallet' => 'payable amount in your wallet',
'Package_Expired' => 'Package Expired',
'You want to Renew this Package' => 'You want to Renew this Package',
'renew_now' => 'Renew Now',
'Add Subscription Package' => 'Add Subscription Package',
'number_of_uses' => 'Number of Uses',
'my_subscription' => 'My Subscription',
'restaurant_registration_successfully_done' => 'Restaurant Registration Successfully Done',
'Use default Unlimited' => 'Use default Unlimited',
'Ex: Search by name & owner' => 'Ex: Search by name & owner',
'Suspendend' => 'Suspendend',
'Subcription Package' => 'Subcription Package',
'Total Collected' => 'Total Collected',
'Overview' => 'Overview',
'Transaction List' => 'Transaction List',
'transaction date' => 'Transaction Date',
'all_time' => 'All Time',
'this_month' => 'This Month',
'this_year' => 'This Year',
'All_time' => 'All time',
'subcription_package_list' => 'Subcription Package list',
'Ex: search_by_package_name' => 'Ex: Search by package name',
'add_subcription_package' => 'Add Subcription Package',
'package_details' => 'Package Details',
'renewed_on_this_month' => 'Renewed on This Month',
'Total Renewed' => 'Total Renewed',
'this_month_earning' => 'This Month Earning',
'this_year_earning' => 'This Year Earning',
'renewed_on_this_year' => 'Renewed On This Year',
'Your Subscription is Expired or You are not Subscribed to any plan' => 'Your Subscription is Expired or You are not Subscribed to any plan',
'ssl commerz payment' => 'ssl commerz payment',
'package_info' => 'Package Info',
'chose_colour' => 'Choose Color',
'By disabling this field, the restaurant can\'t manage foods, which means
the restaurant web panel/ app won\'t get the access for managing foods.
' => 'By disabling this field the restaurant can t manage foods which means
the restaurant web panel/ app won t get the access for managing foods.
'restaurant_registration_successful' => 'Restaurant Registration Successful',
'refund' => 'Refund',
'Method' => 'Method',
'Free_Trial' => 'Free Trial',
'manual_payment' => 'Manual Payment',
'collcet_payment_manually_from_the_restaurant' => 'Collcet Payment Manually From The Restaurant',
'payable_amount_in_the_wallet' => 'Payable amount in the wallet',
'None' => 'None',
'Restaurant_registration_application' => 'Restaurant Registration Application',
'your_package_does_not_have_access_to_this_section' => 'Your Package Does Not Have Access To This Section',
'your_package_does_not_include_this_section' => 'Your Package Does Not Include This Section',
'Your Subscription Plan is not Active for Mobile App' => 'Your Subscription Plan is not Active for Mobile App',
'your_business_plan' => 'Your Business Plan',
'subscription_package' => 'Subscription Package',
'manage_your_payment_manually' => 'Manage Your Payment Manually. We will contact you for next procedure.',
'about' => 'About',
'privacypolicy' => 'Privacy Policy',
'termsandcondition' => 'Terms & Condition',
'join_as_restaurant' => 'Join as Restaurant',
'join_as_deliveryman' => 'Join as Deliveryman',
'be_a_restaubant_owner' => 'Be a Restaurant Owner',
'be_a_deliveryman' => 'Be a Deliveryman',
'lets_start_your' => 'Lets Start Your',
'with_us' => 'with us',
'food_variation' => 'Food Variation',
'add_variation' => 'Add Variation',
'variation_name' => 'Variation Name',
'selcetion_type' => 'Selcetion Type',
'Multi_select' => 'Multi select',
'Single_select' => 'Single select',
'Ex : small' => 'Ex : small',
'variation_price' => 'Variation Price',
'Multiple' => 'Multiple',
'Single' => 'Single',
'selection' => 'Selection',
'Variations' => 'Variations',
'add new option' => 'Add New Option',
'please select' => 'please select',
'Text' => 'Text',
'field' => 'Field',
'textarea' => 'textarea',
'dropdown' => 'dropdown',
'checkbox' => 'checkbox',
'custom checkbox' => 'custom checkbox',
'radio button' => 'radio button',
'custom radio button' => 'custom radio button',
'multiple select' => 'Multiple Select',
'date & time' => 'Date & Time',
'add new row' => 'Add New Row',
'price type' => 'Price type',
'food_variations' => 'Food Variations',
'add new variation' => 'Add New Variation',
'Add New Row' => 'Add New Row',
'Required' => 'Required',
'Min' => 'Min',
'Max' => 'Max',
'Nmae' => 'Nmae',
'Additional_price' => 'Additional price',
'textarea_filed' => 'textarea filed',
'input_filed' => 'input filed',
'minimum_value_can_not_be_greater_then_maximum_value' => 'minimum value can not be greater then maximum value',
'Additional Price' => 'Additional Price',
'multiple_select' => 'Multiple Select',
'single_select' => 'Single Select',
'please_update_the_food_variations.' => 'Please Update The Food Variations.',
'Item Campaign Preview' => 'Item Campaign Preview',
'Search here by restaurants' => 'Search here by restaurants',
'Write something to send massage!' => 'Write something to send massage!',
'Something Went Wrong' => 'Something Went Wrong',
'Please select maximum ' => 'Please select maximum ',
'Please select minimum ' => 'Please select minimum ',
' For ' => ' For ',
'This ' => 'This ',
'is Required. ' => 'is Required. ',
' Option is Required.' => ' Option is Required.',
'Please choose the options.' => 'Please choose the options.',
'lllllllllllllll' => 'lllllllllllllll',
'Please select items from' => 'Please select items from',
'Please choose the options' => 'Please choose the options',
'take away' => 'take away',
'Join Us Section Title' => 'Join Us Section Title',
'Join Us Section Sub Title' => 'Join Us Section Sub Title',
'join_us_article' => 'Join Us Article',
'our_platform_title' => 'Our Platform Title',
'our_platform_article' => 'Our Platform Article',
'join_us_image' => 'Join Us Image',
'top_content_background_image' => 'Top Content Background Image',
'order_now_url' => 'Order Now Url',
'Order Now' => 'Order Now',
'our_platform' => 'Our Platform',
'Ex:Our Mobile App' => 'Ex:Our Mobile App',
'sub_title' => 'Sub Title',
'Ex: Manage Your Data' => 'Ex: Manage Your Data',
'Ex: Details' => 'Ex: Details',
'first_option' => 'First Option',
'order_platform' => 'Order Platform',
'button_url' => 'Button Url',
'restaurant_platform' => 'Restaurant Platform',
'delivery_platform' => 'Delivery Platform',
'something_went_wrong_!!!' => 'Something Went Wrong !!!',
'landing_page_our_platform_updated' => 'Landing Page Our Platform Updated',
'Ex:Our Restaurant App' => 'Ex:Our Restaurant App',
'Call_us' => 'Call us',
'Type_here' => 'Type here',
'Email is required!' => 'Email is required!',
'Message is required!' => 'Message is required!',
'Thanks_for_your_enquiry._We_will_get_back_to_you_soon' => 'Thanks for your enquiry. We will get back to you soon',
'Thanks_for_your_enquiry._We_will_get_back_to_you_soon.' => 'Thanks for your enquiry. We will get back to you soon.',
'something_went_wrong_Please_try_again.' => 'something went wrong Please try again.',
'your_registration_info_is_saved_successfully_now_please_choose_your_business_model' => 'Your registration info is saved successfully. Now please choose your business model',
'your_restaurant_registration_is_successful' => 'Your restaurant registration is successful',
'please_follow_the_steps_properly.' => 'Please follow the steps properly.',
'online_payment_is_comming_soon.' => 'Online payment is comming soon.',
'Package Price' => 'Package Price',
'choose_colour' => 'Choose Color',
'Customer Wallet is not active.Plase Manage the Refund Amount Manually' => 'Customer Wallet is not active.Plase Manage the Refund Amount Manually',
'Customer Wallet Refund is not active.Plase Manage the Refund Amount Manually' => 'Customer Wallet Refund is not active.Plase Manage the Refund Amount Manually',
'please_buy_a_package' => 'Please buy a package',
'You_can_not_downgraded_to_this_package' => 'You can not downgraded to this package',
'The package price format is invalid.' => 'The package price format is invalid.',
'Transaction_List' => 'Transaction List',
'manual_payment_admin' => 'Manual Payment by Admin',
'manual_payment_by_restaurant' => 'Manual Payment by Restaurant',
'The comission field is required.' => 'The commission field is required.',
'Your_Subcription_is_Ending_Soon._Please_Renew_Before' => 'Your Subcription is Ending Soon. Please Renew Before',
'Your_Subcription_has_expired' => 'Your Subcription Has Expired.',
'All_Your_Activities_has_been_Turn_Off_Automatically_To_Continue_Your_Activities_Please_Select_Choose_a_Package.' => 'All Your Activities has been Turn Off Automatically. To Continue Your Activities Please Select Choose a Package.',
'Your_Subcription_has_expired_on' => 'Your Subcription Has Expired on',
'All_Your_Activities_has_been_Turn_Off_Automatically_To_Continue_Your_Activities_Please_Select_a_Package.' => 'All Your Activities has been Turned Off Automatically To Continue Your Activities Please Select a Package.',
'Change status to cooking ?' => 'Change status to cooking ',
'Change status to ready for handover ?' => 'Change status to ready for handover ',
'Change status to delivered (payment status will be paid if not) ?' => 'Change status to delivered (payment status will be paid if not) ',
'Subscriptions' => 'Subscriptions',
'Subscribed_users' => 'Subscribed users',
'free_trail' => 'Free Trial',
'free_trial' => 'Free Trial',
'inactive_vendor' => 'Inactive Vendor',
'Model' => 'Model',
'commission' => 'Commission',
'unsubscribed' => 'Unsubscribed',
'Package_price' => 'Package Price',
'Exp' => 'Exp',
'Expire_Date' => 'Expire Date',
'You want to Change ' => 'You want to Change ',
'Business_Model' => 'Business Model',
'Change_Restaurant_Business_Model' => 'Change Restaurant Business Model',
'You_want_to_Change_Restaurant_Business_Model_for ' => 'You want to change Restaurant Business Model for ',
'You_want_to_Change_the_Business_Model_for ' => 'You want to change the Business Model for "',
'Business_Model_Updated' => 'Business Model Updated',
'Contact_messages' => 'Contact messages',
'Contact_message' => 'Contact message',
'Contact List' => 'Contact List',
'Dashboard' => 'Dashboard',
'Customer Message' => 'Customer Message',
'Message' => 'Message',
'List' => 'List',
'Search_by_Name_or_Mobile_No_or_Email' => 'Search by Name or Mobile No or Email',
'mobile_no' => 'mobile no',
'Email' => 'Email',
'Subject' => 'Subject',
'View' => 'View',
'Are_you_sure_delete_this' => 'Are you sure delete this',
'You_will_not_be_able_to_revert_this' => 'You will not be able to revert this',
'delete_it' => 'delete it',
'Contact_deleted_successfully' => 'Contact deleted successfully',
'Search_by_name_or_email' => 'Search by name or email',
'Contact View' => 'Contact View',
'View_User_Message' => 'View User Message',
'Not_Seen_Yet' => 'Not Seen Yet',
'User' => 'User',
'Reply_from_admin' => 'Reply from admin',
'No_reply' => 'No reply',
'Feedback' => 'Feedback',
'Please_send_a_Feedback' => 'Please send a Feedback',
'Seen' => 'Seen',
'Send_Mail' => 'Send Mail',
'Configure_your_mail_setup_first' => 'Configure your mail setup first',
'Mail_Body' => 'Mail Body',
'Contact Messages' => 'Contact Messages',
'Contact' => 'Contact',
'Sent_a_reply' => 'Sent a reply',
'Not_replied_Yet' => 'Not replied yet',
'Reply_send' => 'Reply send',
'Reply' => 'Reply',
'subject' => 'Subject',
'Mail_sent_successfully' => 'Mail sent successfully',
'Something_went_wrong_please_check_your_mail_config' => 'Something went wrong please check your mail config',
'Reply_form_StackFood' => 'Reply form StackFood',
'Dear' => 'Dear',
'Download_now' => 'Download now',
'contact_messages' => 'Contact Messages',
'contact_message' => 'Contact Message',
'none' => 'none',
'please_add_more_options' => 'Please Add More Options',
'please_add_more_options_or_change_the_max_value' => 'Please Add More Options or Change The Max Value',
'please_add_more_options_or_change_the_max_value_for' => 'Please Add More Options or Change The Max Value For ',
'please_add_options_for' => 'Please Add Options for ',
'add_new_variation' => 'Add New Variation',
'Option_name' => 'Option Name',
'Add_New_Option' => 'Add New Option',
'add_new_option' => 'Add New Option',
'add_new' => 'Add New',
'item_wise_report' => 'Item Wise Report',
'expense_report' => 'Expense Report',
'show_data' => 'Show Data',
'Expense Report' => 'Expense Report',
'Search by type or description' => 'Search by type or description',
'expense_date' => 'Expense Date',
'Currently you need to manage discount with the Restaurant.' => 'Currently you need to manage discount with the Restaurant.',
'Cancel Refund' => 'Cancel Refund',
'Set Limit' => 'Set Limit',
'Use_Limit' => 'Use Limit',
'Maximum_Order_Limit' => 'Maximum Order Limit',
'Maximum product Limit' => 'Maximum product Limit',
'The password field is required.' => 'The password field is required.',
'The password confirmation does not match.' => 'The password confirmation does not match.',
'The phone field is required.' => 'The phone field is required.',
'The password must be at least 6 characters.' => 'The password must be at least 6 characters.',
'Privacy policy' => 'Privacy Policy',
'About us' => 'About us',
'refund_policy' => 'Refund Policy',
'shipping_policy' => 'Shipping Policy',
'cancellation_policy' => 'Cancellation Policy',
'refund_policy_updated' => 'Refund Policy Updated',
'status updated!' => 'Status Updated!',
'shipping_policy_updated' => 'Shipping Policy Updated',
'cancellation_policy_updated' => 'Cancellation Policy Updated',
'Refund_policy' => 'Refund Policy',
'Shipping_policy' => 'Shipping Policy',
'Newsletter_title' => 'Newsletter Title',
'Newsletter_article' => 'Newsletter Article',
'Primary Color 1' => 'Primary Color 1',
'Primary Color 2' => 'Primary Color 2',
'Menu' => 'Menu',
'Title' => 'Title',
'landing_page_order_platform_data_updated' => 'Landing page order platform data updated',
'detail' => 'Detail',
'platform_order_data' => 'Platform Order Data',
'restaurant_platform_features' => 'Restaurant Platform Features',
'landing_page_restaurant_platform_data_updated' => 'landing page restaurant platform data updated',
'landing_page_restaurant_platform_data_added' => 'landing page restaurant platform data added',
'platform_restaurant_data' => 'Platform Restaurant Data',
'delivery_platform_features' => 'Delivery Platform Features',
'landing_page_delivary_platform_data_updated' => 'landing page delivary platform data updated',
'Ex:Our Delivery App' => 'Ex:Our Delivery App',
'landing_page_order_platform_data_added' => 'landing page order platform data added',
'platform_delivery_data' => 'Platform Delivery Data',
'order_platform_features' => 'Order Platform Features',
'You_are_not_subscribed' => 'You are not subscribed',
'Subscription_report' => 'Subscription Report',
'The package name has already been taken.' => 'The package name has already been taken.',
'Search by ID or Restaurant Name or Email' => 'Search by ID or Restaurant Name or Email',
'Not_subscribed_to_any_package' => 'Not subscribed to any package',
'Minimum_select' => 'Minimum select',
'Maximum_select' => 'Maximum select',
'Min_select' => 'Min select',
'Max_select' => 'Max select',
'Purches Status: ' => 'Purches Status: ',
'Subscribed.' => 'Subscribed.',
'If you require any assistance or have feedback or suggestions about our site, you can email us at ' => 'If you require any assistance or have feedback or suggestions about our site you can email us at ',
'Transaction ID' => 'Transaction ID',
'Transaction Time' => 'Transaction Time',
'Validity Time' => 'Validity Time',
'Invoice' => 'Invoice',
'Proceed, If printer is ready.' => 'Proceed, If printer is ready.',
'Choose_This' => 'Choose This',
'Choose_This_Package' => 'Choose This Package',
'Select_Package' => 'Select Package',
'You_can_not_downgraded_to_this_package_please_choose_a_package_with_higher_upload_limits' => 'You can not downgraded to this package please choose a package with higher upload limits',
'8. Latitude must be a number between -90 to 90 and Longitude must a number between -180 to 180.' => '8. Latitude must be a number between -90 to 90 and Longitude must a number between -180 to 180.',
'8. Latitude must be a number between -90 to 90 and Longitude must a number between -180 to 180. Otherwise it will create server error' => '8. Latitude must be a number between -90 to 90 and Longitude must a number between -180 to 180. Otherwise it will create server error',
'Free_trial_period' => 'Free trial period',
'Ex: 90 Days ' => 'Ex: 90 Days ',
'Manual payment' => 'Manual payment',
'Wallet payment' => 'Wallet payment',
'This_will ' => 'This will ',
'The minimum order field is required.' => 'The minimum order field is required.',
'The tax field is required.' => 'The tax field is required.',
'The minimum delivery time field is required.' => 'The minimum delivery time field is required.',
'The maximum delivery time field is required.' => 'The maximum delivery time field is required.',
'This_will_expire_the_current_package' => '" This will expire the current package.',
'This option will changes the Business Model to Commission on Per Order Model' => 'This option will changes the Business Model to Commission on Per Order Model',
'This option will changes the Business Model to Commission Based' => 'This option will changes the Business Model to Commission Based',
'This option will changes the Restaurant Business Model to Commission Based' => 'This option will changes the Restaurant Business Model to Commission Based',
'This option will changes the Restaurant Business Model to Package Based Subscription' => 'This option will changes the Restaurant Business Model to Package Based Subscription',
'This option will changes the Restaurant Business to Commission Based' => 'This option will changes the Restaurant Business to Commission Based',
'This option will changes the Restaurant Business to Package Based Subscription Model' => 'This option will changes the Restaurant Business to Package Based Subscription Model',
'expense_report_discription' => 'This report will show all the orders in which the admin discount has been used. The admin discount are: Free delivery over, Restaurant discount, Coupon discount & food discounts(partial according to order commission).',
'subscription_will_be_active' => 'Subscription will be active',
'are_you_sure_?' => 'Are you sure ?',
'You_want_to_active_subscription_model' => 'You want to active subscription model',
'You_want_to_deactive_subscription_model_current_subscribed_restaurants_still_be_subscribed_untill_their_package_expires' => 'You want to deactive subscription model. Current subscribers still be subscribed untill their package expires and they can not subscribe to any new package and also needs to manually change to commission based.',
'You_want_to_active_commission_model' => 'You want to active commission model',
'You_want_to_deactive_subscription_model' => 'You want to deactive subscription model',
'You_want_to_deactive_commission_model' => 'You want to deactive commission model. All of your restaurants needs to subscribed to a package. Otherwise they will be inactive.',
'You_must_select_at_least_one_business_model' => 'You must select at least one business model',
'You_must_select_at_least_one_business_model_between_commission_and_subscription' => 'You must select at least one business model between commission and subscription',
'free_trial_period_updated' => 'Free trial period updated',
'days_free_trial' => 'days free trial',
'enjoy' => 'Enjoy',
'days_free_trial_and_pay_your_sibcription_fee_within_these_trial_period.' => 'days free trial and pay your sibcription fee within these trial period.',
'You_will_receive_a_confirmation_email_within' => 'You will receive a confirmation email within',
'Top Header Sub Title 2' => 'Top Header Sub Title 2',
'Top Header Sub Title 3' => 'Top Header Sub Title 3',
'join_us_sub_title' => 'Join Us Sub Title',
'Join Us Article' => 'Join Us Article',
'Unseen' => 'Unseen',
'Not_seen_Yet' => 'Not Seen Yet',
'You_need_to_select_minimum_ ' => 'You need to select minimum ',
'to_maximum_ ' => 'to maximum ',
'Download_Url' => 'Download Url',
'App_id' => 'App ID',
'App_secret' => 'App Secret',
'app_min_version_hint' => 'This version will compare with the APP_VERSION variable available in app_constants.dart file (File path: lib/util/app_constants.dart)',
'select_type' => 'Select Type',
'package_not_found' => 'package not found',
'Copy path' => 'Copy path',
'Refund Image' => 'Refund Image',
'Insufficient Balance' => 'Insufficient Balance',
'No_packages_found' => 'No packages found',
'No_subscription_plan_available' => 'No subscription plan available',
'order_count' => 'order count',
'Food_was_deleted' => 'Food was deleted',
'your_subscription_plane_does_not_have_this_feature' => 'your subscription plane does not have this feature',
'You_have_reached_the_maximum_number_of_orders' => 'You have reached the maximum number of orders',
'ops_no_package_found' => 'ops no package found',
'react_site' => 'React site',
'react_site_setup' => 'React site setup',
'React Site Setup' => 'React Site Setup',
'React license code' => 'React license code',
'React Domain' => 'React Domain',
'license_code_is_required' => 'License code is required',
'doamain_is_required' => 'Doamain is required',
'react_data_updated' => 'React data updated',
'maximum_shipping_charge' => 'Maximum delivery charge',
'maximum_shipping_charge_must_be_greater_than_minimum_shipping_charge' => 'Maximum delivery charge must be greater than minimum delivery charge',
'by_restaurant_name' => 'by restaurant name',
'you_want_to_confirm_this_restaurant' => 'You want to confirm this restaurant ?',
'you_want_to_reject_this_restaurant' => 'You want to reject this restaurant ?',
'Reject' => 'Reject',
'confirm' => 'Confirm',
'--' => '--',
'Update Branch' => 'Update Branch',
'maximum_delivery_charge' => 'maximum delivery charge',
'maximum_delivery_charge_hint' => 'It will add a limit on total delivery charge. If you want no limit on delivery charge then keep it empty.',
'maximum_cod_order_hint' => 'It will add a limit on total order amount on cash on delivery order. If you want no limit on COD order total amount then keep it empty.',
'maximum_coverage_area_hint' => 'This value is the maximum distance for a vehicle in this category to serve an order.',
'The name has already been taken.' => 'The name has already been taken.',
'Add new Vehicle' => 'Add new Vehicle',
'Vehicle' => 'Vehicle',
'vehicle created successfully!' => 'vehicle created successfully!',
'extra_charges' => 'extra charges',
'starting_coverage_area' => 'Minimum Coverage Area',
'maximum_coverage_area' => 'maximum coverage area',
'Vehicle_List' => 'Vehicle List',
'vehicle' => 'vehicle',
'Ex: Search by type...' => 'Ex: Search by type...',
'Starting_coverage_area' => 'Minimum Coverage Area',
'Maximum_coverage_area' => 'Maximum coverage area',
'Extra_charges' => 'Extra charges',
'Vehicle_status_updated' => 'Vehicle status updated',
'update_vehicle_category' => 'Update Vehicle Category',
'Vehicle_created' => 'Vehicle category created successfully!',
'Vehicle_updated' => 'Vehicle category updated successfully!',
'vehicle view' => 'Vehicle View',
'vehicles' => 'Vehicles',
'tags' => 'Tags',
'not_approved' => 'Not Approved',
'maximum_COD_order_amount' => 'Maximum COD order amount',
'Customer can not order by cash on delivery if this amount is exceed then the total order amount OR Make it 0 or empty for unlimited' => 'Customer can not order by cash on delivery if this amount is exceed then the total order amount OR Make it 0 or empty for unlimited',
'max_cod_order_amount_status' => 'max cod order amount status',
'You can not Order more then ' => 'You can not Order more then ',
'on COD order.' => 'on COD order.',
'order_cancellation_reasons' => 'Order Cancellation Reasons',
'add_an_order_cancellation_reason' => 'Add an order cancellation reason',
'select_reason' => 'Select reason',
'add_reason' => 'Add reason',
'order_cancellation_reason_list' => 'Order Cancellation Reason List',
'select_user' => 'Select User',
'select_user_type' => 'Select User Type',
'order_cancellation_reason_added_successfully' => 'Order cancellation reason added successfully',
'want_to_delete_this_order_cancellation_reason' => 'Want to delete this order cancellation reason',
'order_cancellation_reason_updated_successfully' => 'Order cancellation reason updated successfully',
'order_cancellation_reason' => 'Order Cancellation Reason',
'Save_changes' => 'Save changes',
'for_user' => 'For user',
'for_restaurant' => 'For restaurant',
'user_app_section' => 'User App Section',
'for_deliveryman' => 'For deliveryman',
'restaurant_app_section' => 'Restaurant App Section',
'deliveryman_app_section' => 'Deliveryman App Section',
'Recommended' => 'Recommended',
'Food recommendation updated!' => 'Food recommendation updated!',
'Recommend_to_customers' => 'Recommend to customers',
'Change_food_visibility_to_customers' => 'Change food visibility to customers',
'Add new cuisine' => 'Add new cuisine',
'cuisine' => 'Cuisine',
'Ex: cuisine Name' => 'Ex: Cuisine Name',
'Ex : cuisine' => 'Ex : Cuisine',
'search_cuisine' => 'search cuisine',
'Ex : search_by_name' => 'Ex : search by name',
'Cuisine_added_successfully' => 'Cuisine added successfully',
'Want to delete this cuisine' => 'Want to delete this cuisine',
'Cuisine_status_updated' => 'Cuisine status updated',
'The user type field is required.' => 'The user type field is required.',
'Cuisine_updated_successfully' => 'Cuisine updated successfully',
'Cuisine' => 'Cuisine',
'The cuisine id field is required.' => 'The cuisine id field is required.',
'select_cuisine_' => 'Select Cuisine ',
'all_cuisines' => 'All cuisines',
'include_tax_amount' => 'Include/Exclude TAX Amount',
'included_tax' => 'included tax',
'included' => 'included',
'tax_include_exclude_hint' => 'Active this field if Tax amount is already added with the product price',
'TAX_Included' => 'TAX Included',
'customer_wise' => 'Customer Wise',
'Update Coupon' => 'Update Coupon',
'created_by' => 'Created by',
'Customer_type' => 'Customer type',
'Selected' => 'Selected',
'The zone ids field is required when coupon type is zone_wise.' => 'The zone ids field is required when coupon type is zone wise.',
'transaction_report' => 'Transaction Report',
'Search Data' => 'Search Data',
'All Time' => 'All Time',
'This Year' => 'This Year',
'Previous Year' => 'Previous Year',
'This Week' => 'This Week',
'Custom' => 'Custom',
'Filter' => 'Filter',
'Completed Transaction' => 'Completed Transaction',
'Refunded Transaction' => 'Refunded Transaction',
'Admin Earning' => 'Admin Earning',
'Deliveryman Earning' => 'Deliveryman Earning',
'download_options' => 'Download options',
'total_item_amount' => 'Total item amount',
'item_discount' => 'Item discount',
'discounted_amount' => 'Discounted amount',
'order_amount' => 'Order amount',
'admin_discount' => 'Admin discount',
'commision_on_delivery_charge' => 'Commision on delivery charge',
'admin_net_income' => 'Admin net income',
'payment_method' => 'Payment method',
'payment_status' => 'Payment status',
'completed' => 'Completed',
'transection_report' => 'Transaction Report',
'restaurant Earning' => 'Restaurant Earning',
'restaurant_discount' => 'Restaurant Discount',
'restaurant_net_income' => 'Restaurant Net Income',
'Package_name' => 'Package name',
'Payment_type' => 'Payment type',
'wallet_payment' => 'Wallet payment',
'digital_payment' => 'Digital payment',
'payment_type' => 'payment type',
'Toggle LTR' => 'Toggle LTR',
'Toggle RTL' => 'Toggle RTL',
'Site Direction' => 'Site Direction',
'Left_to_Right' => 'Left to Right',
'Right_to_Left' => 'Right to Left',
'order_report' => 'Order Report',
'total_orders' => 'Total orders',
'in_progress_orders' => 'In progress orders',
'Including accepted and processing orders' => 'Including accepted and processing orders',
'on_the_way' => 'On the way',
'failed_orders' => 'Failed orders',
'refunded_orders' => 'Refunded orders',
'canceled_orders' => 'Canceled orders',
'not_received_yet' => 'Not received yet',
'Join us' => 'Join us',
'Enter your email address' => 'Enter your email address',
'By' => 'By',
'Email Address' => 'Email Address',
'Type your message here' => 'Type your message here',
'Campaign_Order_Report' => 'Campaign Order Report',
'Camahign_Order_Report' => 'Camahign Order Report',
'All Campaignes' => 'All Campaignes',
'Total Item Amount' => 'Total Item Amount',
'Item Discount' => 'Item Discount',
'Discounted Amount' => 'Discounted Amount',
'picked_up' => 'Picked up',
'refund_request_canceled' => 'Refund request canceled',
'Total product Amount' => 'Total product Amount',
'product Discount' => 'Product Discount',
'Search by Order ID or Restaurant Name' => 'Search by Order ID or Restaurant Name',
'food_report' => 'Food Report',
'food report table' => 'Food Report Table',
'ex_:_search_food_name' => 'ex : Search food name',
'total_amount_sold' => 'Total amount sold',
'total_discount_given' => 'Total discount given',
'average_sale_value' => 'Average sale value',
'average_ratings' => 'Average ratings',
'Camapign_Order_Report' => 'Camapign Order Report',
'Delivered Orders' => 'Delivered Orders',
'Report' => 'Report',
'Sales_Statistics' => 'Sales Statistics',
'Average_Sales_Value' => 'Average Sales Value',
'restaurant_report' => 'Restaurant Report',
'Order_Statistics' => 'Order Statistics',
'Average_Order_Value' => 'Average Order Value',
'restaurant report table' => 'Restaurant Report Table',
'ex_:_search_restaurant_name' => 'Ex : Search restaurant name',
'total_food' => 'Total food',
'total_order' => 'Total order',
'total_admin_commission' => 'Total admin commission',
'total_vat_tax' => 'Total vat tax',
'tax-vat' => 'Tax/Vat',
'select_cancellation_reason' => 'Select cancellation reason',
'The reason field is required when order status is canceled.' => 'The cancellation reason is required when the order status is canceled.',
'order_cancelled_By' => 'Order Cancelled By',
'Cancelled_By' => 'Cancelled By',
'Tags' => 'Tags',
'No_tags_found' => 'No tags found',
'New_joining_request' => 'New joining request',
'Ex : Search by restaurant name phone or email' => 'Ex : Search by restaurant name phone or email',
'vehicle_id' => 'vehicle id',
'Ex: Car' => 'Ex: Car',
'select_a_vehicle' => 'Select a vehicle',
'select a vehicle' => 'Select a vehicle',
'Pending_delivery_man' => 'Pending delivery man',
'When the order is successfully delivered full order amount goes to this section.' => 'When the order is successfully delivered full order amount goes to this section.',
'If the order is successfully refunded, the full order amount goes to this section without the delivery fee and delivery tips.' => 'If the order is successfully refunded the full order amount goes to this section without the delivery fee and delivery tips.',
'admin_earning_text' => ' Deducting admin commission and commission on delivery charge from admin discount amount goes to this section.',
'Restaurant Earning' => 'Restaurant Earning',
'restaurant_earning_text' => 'Deducting admin commission and restaurant discount from actual item price amount goes to this section',
'Deducting the admin commission on the delivery fee, the delivery fee & tips amount goes to
earning section.' => 'Deducting the admin commission on the delivery fee the delivery fee & tips amount goes to
earning section.',
'Comission on delivery fee' => 'Comission on delivery fee',
'order_transaction_statement' => 'Order Transaction Statement',
'statement' => 'Statement',
'delivered_by' => 'Delivered by',
'total_coupon_discount' => 'Total coupon discount',
'total_discounted_amount' => 'Total discounted amount',
'total_vat/_tax' => 'Total vat/ tax',
'total_delivery_charge' => 'Total delivery charge',
'additional_information' => 'Additional information',
'totals' => 'Totals',
'If_you_require_any_assistance_or_have_feedback_or_suggestions_about_our_site,_you' => 'If you require any assistance or have feedback or suggestions about our site you',
'can_email_us_at' => 'Can email us at',
'expense' => 'Expense',
'lists' => 'lists',
'Date & Time' => 'Date & Time',
'Expense Type' => 'Expense Type',
'expense amount' => 'Expense amount',
'product_recommended_status_updated' => 'product recommended status updated',
'The code has already been taken.' => 'The code has already been taken.',
'Subscription_transaction_statement' => 'Subscription transaction statement',
'The reason must not be greater than 255 characters.' => 'The reason must not be greater than 255 characters.',
'Your_refund_request_has_been_canceled' => 'Your refund request has been canceled',
'Cuisine_not_found' => 'Cuisine not found',
'Search by food name' => 'Search by food name',
'digital payment' => 'Digital payment',
'vehicle_data' => 'Vehicle Info',
'No_vehicle_data_found' => 'No data found',
'Vehicle_Type' => 'Vehicle Type',
'Vehicle_minimum_coverage_area' => 'Vehicle minimum coverage area',
'Vehicle_maximum_coverage_area' => 'Vehicle maximum coverage area',
'Vehicle_Extra_Charges' => 'Vehicle Extra Charges',
'restaurant_model' => 'Restaurant model',
'Join Campaign Again' => 'Join Campaign Again',
'all_types' => 'All Types',
'Business_model' => 'Business model',
'The maximum shipping charge must be greater than 30.' => 'The maximum delivery charge must be greater than 30.',
'It will add a limite on total delivery charge.' => 'It will add a limite on total delivery charge.',
'freelance' => 'Freelance',
'vehicles_category' => 'Vehicles category',
'vehicle_category_list' => 'Vehicle category list',
'vehicles_category_list' => 'Vehicles category list',
'add_vehicle_category' => 'Add vehicle category',
'This amount will be added with delivery charge' => 'This amount will be added with delivery charge',
'Dummy' => 'Dummy',
'vehicle_information' => 'Vehicle information',
'Vehicle Information' => 'Vehicle Information',
'New_joining' => 'New Joining',
'The maximum shipping charge must be greater than 1 characters.' => 'The maximum shipping charge must be greater than 1 characters.',
'Subscription_Transaction_Statement' => 'Subscription Transaction Statement',
'discount_on_product' => 'Discount on product',
'You_want_to_cancel_this_order_?' => 'You want to cancel this order ',
'vehicle_type' => 'vehicle type',
'Delivered_Orders' => 'Delivered Orders',
'Scheduled Orders' => 'Scheduled Orders',
'Pending Orders' => 'Pending Orders',
'Accepted Orders' => 'Accepted Orders',
'Processing Orders' => 'Processing Orders',
'Food_On_the_Way' => 'Food On the Way',
'Canceled' => 'Canceled',
'Payment Failed' => 'Payment Failed',
'vendor_expense_report_discription' => 'This report will show all the orders in which the restaurant discount has been used. The restaurant discounts are: Free delivery, Free delivery coupon, Coupon discount & food discounts(partial according to order commission).',
'Ex : Your refund request is successful' => 'Ex : Your refund request is successful',
'Ex : Your_order_refund_request_is_canceled' => 'Ex : Your order refund request is canceled',
'minimum_coverage_area_hint' => 'This value is the minimum distance for a vehicle in this category to serve an order.',
'Withdrawal_Methods' => 'Withdrawal Methods',
'Add_Fields' => 'Add Fields',
'method_name' => 'Method name',
'Input Field Type' => 'Input Field Type',
'String' => 'String',
'Number' => 'Number',
'Date' => 'Date',
'Password' => 'Password',
'Phone' => 'Phone',
'field_name' => 'Field name',
'placeholder_text' => 'Placeholder text',
'This_field_required' => 'This field required',
'default_method' => 'Default method',
'Reset' => 'Reset',
'Remove' => 'Remove',
'Reached maximum' => 'Reached maximum',
'ok' => 'Ok',
'withdraw_method_list' => 'Withdraw method list',
'Add_method' => 'Add method',
'Search Product Name' => 'Search Product Name',
'method_fields' => 'Method fields',
'active_status' => 'Active status',
'unity_johnston' => 'Unity johnston',
'Placeholder' => 'Placeholder',
'Is Required' => 'Is Required',
'cara_juarez' => 'Cara juarez',
'Default_Method_updated_successfully' => 'Default Method updated successfully',
'Default_Method_updated_failed.' => 'Default Method updated failed.',
'status_updated_successfully' => 'Status updated successfully',
'Select_method_name' => 'Select method name',
'Select_field_name' => 'Select field name',
'Select_placeholder_text' => 'Select placeholder text',
'dawn_pennington' => 'Pawn pennington',
'dominique_snider' => 'Dominique snider',
'heather_raymond' => 'Heather raymond',
'The selected is default is invalid.' => 'The selected is default is invalid.',
'The is default field is required.' => 'The is default field is required.',
'Select_Withdraw_Method' => 'Select Withdraw Method',
'Withdraw request has been sent.' => 'Withdraw request has been sent.',
'Withdraw_method' => 'Withdraw method',
'Default_method' => 'Default method',
'incentives' => 'Incentives',
'incentives_history' => 'Incentives history',
'delivery_man_incentives' => 'Delivery man incentives',
'ex_:_search_delivery_man_data' => 'Ex : search delivery man data',
'select_box' => 'Select box',
'Delivery Man' => 'Delivery Man',
'active_hours' => 'Active hours',
'Minimum Pay' => 'Minimum Pay',
'Total Earning' => 'Total Earning',
'incentive' => 'Incentive',
'subsidy' => 'Subsidy',
'only_the_pending_request_can_be_rejected' => 'Only the pending request can be rejected',
'minimum_active_hours' => 'Minimum active hours',
'enter_earning_amount' => 'Enter earning amount',
'enter_incentive' => 'Enter incentive',
'add_incentive' => 'Add incentive',
'incentive_inserted_successfully' => 'Incentive inserted successfully',
'want_to_delece_this_incentive' => 'Want to delete this incentive',
'incentive_deleted_successfully' => 'incentive deleted successfully',
'reject' => 'reject',
'succesfully_approved_incentive' => 'succesfully approved incentive',
'incentive_denied' => 'incentive denied',
'zone_settings' => 'Zone settings',
'The name field is required.' => 'The name field is required.',
'zone_settings_updated_successfully' => 'Zone settings updated successfully',
'bonus' => 'Bonus',
'select_delivery_man' => 'Select delivery man',
'transaction_id' => 'Transaction id',
'you_want_to_add_bonus' => 'You want to add bonus',
'bonus_added_successfulley' => 'Bonus added successfulley',
'Search by name or transaction id ...' => 'Search by name or transaction id ...',
'dm_admin_bonus' => 'Dm admin bonus',
'Search by Order ID or type ' => 'Search by Order ID or type ',
'max_otp_hit' => 'Max otp hit',
'otp_resent_interval_time' => 'Otp resent interval time',
'seconds' => 'Seconds',
'you_are_blocked' => 'You are blocked',
'please_try_again_after_' => 'Please try again after ',
'Too_many_attemps_try_again_after' => 'Too many attemps try again after ',
'max_otp_hit_time' => 'Max otp hit time',
'otp_resend_interval_time' => 'Otp resend interval time',
'Max_Number_of_Otp_Hits_in_a_Row' => 'Max Number of Otp Hits in a Row',
'increase_delivery_charge' => 'Increase delivery charge',
'This_percentage_will_be_added_to_the_delivery_charge.' => 'This percentage will be added to the delivery charge.',
'The increased delivery fee field is required when increased delivery fee status is 1.' => 'The increased delivery fee field is required when increased delivery fee status is 1.',
'increased_delivery_fee_is_required' => 'Increased delivery fee is required',
'Shift_setup' => 'Shift setup',
'Shift' => 'Shift',
'by' => 'by',
'Add_New_Shift' => 'Add New Shift',
'Start_time' => 'Start time',
'End_time' => 'End time',
'Shift_Setup' => 'Shift Setup',
'Start_Time' => 'Start Time',
'End_Time' => 'End Time',
'shift_update' => 'Shift update',
'Update_successful' => 'Update successful',
'Add_Shift' => 'Add Shift',
'shift_added_successfully' => 'shift added successfully',
'Want to change status for this shift ?' => 'Want to change status for this shift ',
'shift' => 'shift',
'Want to delete this shift data. All of data related to this shift will be gone !!!' => 'Want to delete this shift data. All of data related to this shift will be gone !!!',
'shift_updated_successfully' => 'Shift updated successfully',
'Shift_added_successfully' => 'Shift added successfully',
'shift_status_updated' => 'Shift status updated',
'Coverage_area_overlapped' => 'Coverage area overlapped',
'shift_deleted_successfully' => 'Shift deleted successfully',
'Shift_overlaped' => 'Shift overlaped',
'no_shift_found' => 'Shift not found',
'subscription_management' => 'subscription management',
'subscriptiona' => 'subscriptiona',
'subscriptions' => 'subscriptions',
'7. For Priority set 0 for Normal, 1 for Medium and 2 for high.' => '7. For Priority set 0 for Normal 1 for Medium and 2 for high.',
'8. For a category parent_id will be empty, for sub category it will be the category id.' => '8. For a category parent id will be empty for sub category it will be the category id.',
'Customer_Logs' => 'Customer Logs',
'Logs' => 'Logs',
'visitor_logs' => 'Visitor logs',
'Customer_name' => 'Customer name',
'reastaurant' => 'Reastaurant',
'Visit_count' => 'Visit count',
'Order_count' => 'Order count',
'Language' => 'Language',
'changing_some_settings_will_take_time_to_show_effect_please_clear_session_or_wait_for_60_minutes_else_browse_from_incognito_mode' => 'Changing some settings will take time to show effect please clear session or wait for 60 minutes else browse from incognito mode',
'language_table' => 'Language table',
'add_new_language' => 'Add new language',
'Id' => 'Id',
'Code' => 'Code',
'Translate' => 'Translate',
'new_language' => 'New language',
'direction' => 'Direction',
'Are you sure to delete this' => 'Are you sure to delete this',
'You will not be able to revert this' => 'You will not be able to revert this',
'delete it' => 'Delete it',
'default language can not be deleted! to delete change the default language first!' => 'Default language can not be deleted! to delete change the default language first!',
'language_content_table' => 'Language content table',
'SL#' => 'SL#',
'auto_translate' => 'Auto translate',
'text_updated_successfully' => 'Text updated successfully',
'Key removed successfully' => 'Key removed successfully',
'Key translated successfully' => 'Key translated successfully',
'withdraw_method' => 'withdraw method',
'subscription_order' => 'subscription order',
'Subscription_status' => 'Subscription status',
'Search by order Id' => 'Search by order Id',
'Order_id' => 'Order id',
'view_subscription' => 'view subscription',
'paused' => 'paused',
'status_can_not_be_updated' => 'status can not be updated',
'Search Method Name' => 'Search Method Name',
'whitney_brock' => 'whitney brock',
'ursa_faulkner' => 'ursa faulkner',
'jemima_duke' => 'jemima duke',
'account_nunber' => 'account nunber',
'account_name' => 'account name',
'ddd' => 'ddd',
'Bank' => 'Bank',
'Note about transaction or
request' => 'Note about transaction or
'Ex: Bank' => 'Ex: Bank',
'Ex: Account_name' => 'Ex: Account name',
'Ex: John Doe' => 'Ex: John Doe',
); |