@extends('layouts.vendor.app') @section('title',translate('messages.Food Bulk Import')) @push('css_or_js') @endpush @section('content')
{{ translate('STEP 1') }}

{{ translate('Download Excel File') }}

{{ translate('STEP 2') }}

{{ translate('Match Spread sheet data according to instruction') }}

{{ translate('STEP 3') }}

{{ translate('Validate data and and complete import') }}

{{ translate('Instructions') }}

{{ translate('1. Download the format file and fill it with proper data.') }}

{{ translate('2. You can download the example file to understand how the data must be filled.') }}

{{ translate('3. Once you have downloaded and filled the format file, upload it in the form below and submit.') }}

{{ translate('4. After uploading foods you need to edit them and set image and variations.') }}

{{ translate('5. You can get category id from their list, please input the right ids.') }}

{{ translate('6. Don`t forget to fill all the fields') }}

{{ translate('7. For veg food enter 1 and for non-veg enter 0 on veg field.') }}


{{ translate('Import Restaurants') }}

@endsection @push('script') @endpush